Why are 90% ICO unnecessary?

2 min readFeb 11, 2018


When our team created the ideology of the project, we were surrounded by hundreds of useless projects. The purpose of these projects in the majority was to create an unnecessary token, to come up with false arguments and to raise them to the absolute. In this article we will not mention specific projects, but we will try to focus on the vision of the crypto market by BTW team
How does a typical ICO procced?
A token is created on the basis of ERC20 (ETH), next it is linked to any needs, for example, material trade, any service for people that in fact can exist without this particular token and even the shares of a particular company. Then the need for a token in solving the “problem” appears, but in fact most projects absolutely do not require their tokens, everything they offer is a service and for some reason it is a token. What the community and people really need is convenient integration, integration into ready-made payment services, integration into new projects, integration into life. A vivid example can br the BTC, It tries to be usefull everywhere, now you can enjoy a cup of coffee or a subscription to the cinema using BTS as payment. But do not forget about the problems that we considered in past articles.
- Slow transactions
- Scaling problem
- etc
BTW is the tocken that is really required and will be integrated more deeply into the life of the person, due to absence of BTC problems and the convenient API, that will lead to a large number of developments on our platform . Our team is confident in the development of complex cooperation with people and their desires.
When investing in ICO, try to ask one question: “Will this be usefull for people?”

BTW team

