Ali Ghodsi’s U Waterloo AI Courses

Andrei Radulescu-Banu
4 min readJan 19, 2022


I came across Ali Gholdsi’s lectures by chance, and some of the YouTube comments were so positive that I had to watch his lectures:

“These lectures are way more informative than the Stanford ones”, said one.

Another said: “One of the patient explanations, almost ‘a conceptual derivation’ of the GAN. Talks few words and slowly so you can process what he is saying and gets foundations clear first. But the depth of his grasp and sharp thought can be seen in many places [for example where he] answers the question ‘if the function needs an inverse then does that mean you cant use Relu in the network?’ brilliantly! Happy to know this resource.”

After watching his lecture on GANs (above), I sought all of his lectures, and attempted to collect them in one place. Some were already listed on the U Waterloo data analytics site, but it was not a complete list.

So here they are:

STAT 946 Topics in Probability and Statistics: Deep Learning (Fall 2015) all videos and slides

STAT 441/841, CM 763: Statistical Learning Classification (Fall 2015) all videos and slides

Deep Learning (2017) all videos and slides

STAT 441/841: Statistical Learning — Classification (Winter 2017), playlist

STAT 442/842: Data Visualization, a course on unsupervised learning (2017)

Deep learning (Fall 2020), only two available:

New videos will get posted on Ali Ghodsi’s YouTube channel. One nice feature of his videos is that each is more or less self contained. That is — they depend on earlier material, but it is relatively easy to navigate and find these dependencies.

Among his publications, I am collecting below his recent Tutorials and Surveys. They accompany and expand some of the materials presented in his videos.

Tutorials and Surveys

Here is Ali Ghodsi on Google Scholar. Not to be confused with Ali Ghodsi from U. Berkeley, CEO and founder of Databricks.

