BitFence: Can AI protect us from hackers?


Artificial Intelligence or shortly AI became a really hot topic lately. It sounds mysterious and cool, this magic 2 letter combination are thrown at us from everywhere and already over-hyped (over-spammed?). But very few know what it really is and how it works.

AI as presented 34 years ago :)

AI term is extremely broad and makes almost no sense without precise context.

BitFence uses AI to identify and risk score cyber threats. Why do we need AI? The answer is very simple — to identify and risk score cyber threats that we never seen before. Without going deep into math and statistics, BitFence uses multiple machine learning methods (classifiers) that accumulate knowledge about malicious actors all the time, it never stops learning.

Instead of having “databases of malicious actors”, which makes absolutely no sense, since IP addresses and behaviors hacker exposes changes very quickly, BitFence extracts and collects knowledge about attacks and hackers, threat intelligence engine becomes a seasoned cyber security expert that needs no sleep, processes thousands of threats a second and learns non-stop.

Few of the methods used by BitFence threat intel engine

So, can AI protect us from hackers? Simply Yes, this is perfect application for AI algorithms such as machine learning methods and probabilistic classifiers. Stay tuned for more!

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