BitFence: What is Honeypot, HoneyNet and StingMiner and how I can mine Hackers?


We are getting a lot of questions about how BitFence will protect from hackers, how our proof-of-threat StingMiner works and what is that thing called HoneyNet and HoneyPot everyone is talking about.

The metaphor of a bear being attracted to and stealing honey is common in many traditions, including Germanic and Slavic. A common Germanic kenning for the bear was “honey eater”. The tradition of bears stealing honey has been passed down through stories and folklore, especially the well known Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh eating honey

In Information Security, Honeypot is a special hardware / software system that is designed in a way to be an attractive and relatively easy target for hackers, without revealing that it’s nothing more then just a bait.

Honeypot connected to the network behaves as a legitimate computer system with all the right services and attractive data to mislead hacker in attacking it.

When hacker attacks honeypot, this honeypot gathers all information about hacker, the source of attack, the method used, etc. This sometimes called a “signature” or “fingerprint” of attack.

StingMiner is a very sophisticated metamorphic self-updating honeypot. It always appears as unique and valuable target. We made it out of RaspberryPI / BeagleBone - low power consumption, zero noise and heat single-board micro computer. Plug-and-play.

StingMiner based on RaspberryPI

StingMiner in crypto-mining terms uses “proof of threat” to mine hackers. Everyone can plug such a device and start earning HNY immediately. The amount of HNY earned depends on many factors, like network connection, geolocation, ISP used, uptime of the device, etc.

Hardware based StingMiner is the best way to mine HNY, but not the only one. A pure software miner for Windows / Linux /BSD / OSX will be available as a free download as well.

All StingMiners are working together creating HoneyNet - incredibly powerful worldwide sensor network feeding collected data to BitFence AI threat intelligence engine.

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In the next post we will discuss BitFence AI threat intelligence engine, evaluation of submitted shares and automatic HNY rewards. Thank you!

