Pre-order Update #1

3 min readJul 2, 2015

Hi friends and supporters!

It was a whirlwind of last few weeks since we launched Awair to the world! We’ve finalized the design of the main board, set up production toolings, and finalized the selection of sensors for Awair. When it comes to Awair’s sensors, we take delivering consistent accurate readings very seriously. Awair measures five components in the air that directly impacts our wellness, which include temperature, humidity, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), and dust particles. Here are a few things we’ve been doing to perfect the performance of the sensors we use in Awair.

Inside look of Awair

Finding optimal locations for sensors: One of the most important things to consider when designing Awair was finding the right locations of sensors within the box. Naturally, some of the sensors we use emit a bit of heat while they’re on. So we made every effort to achieve (1) Steady flow of air throughout & within the box, (2) Consistent temperature & humidity within the box, (3) Absolutely no heat or chemicals generated from the materials being used should affect Awair’s sensor readings. This is why we’ve designed Awair so that the air can flow through the box without getting stuck.

A snapshot of parts going into Awair

Selecting the best performing sensors: Ever since we started developing Awair in the winter of 2013, we’ve tested and run pretty much all the sensors we could get. For example, the carbon dioxide sensors we tested were the top performing NDIR (Nondispersive Infrared)-type sensors in the market. And as for the dust particle sensor (PM2.5), we’ve tested a few sensors that used analogue and digital optical sensing system. While it was difficult to get our hands on digital vs. analogue type, we’re confident that the huge effort which went into it will be well worth the sweat. Stay tuned for more detailed stories on sensors!

Ship date: WE’RE ON SCHEDULE! We’re putting all the pieces together to deliver the first shipment in early this Fall. We’ve finished the set up of the toolings required to produce the first shipment units. We take keeping our promises very seriously. :) But we also understand that there will always be unexpected challenges along the way. We’ll make sure to keep you guys updated on the progress we’re making regarding production schedule so stay tuned!

Until next update!

Awair looks beautiful in offices, too!

