Pre-order Update #3

4 min readSep 16, 2015

Hi friends and supporters!

Today I’m going to share a little bit about the evolution of our mobile app. Yes, the story of Awair app. We went through multiple phases that helped us get to where we are today and it has been an exciting and humbling experience. I’m grateful for this opportunity to share it all with you.

Awair app is where data turns into actions. It’s the Robin to its Batman, the Awair device.

The Beta Age (August 2014 — January 2015)

This is where it all began. In November of 2014, we shipped a small number of ‘hand-made’ Awairs to our beta users. If you are reading this and happened to be one of our beta users I’d like to thank you again and tell you how much we appreciated your support and love! We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. In this stage, we used colors to show multiple levels of temperature, humidity and ‘particulates’ in the air. We also introduced concepts like productivity and stuffiness whose levels can be measured by temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide combined. This app also featured the ‘daily snapshot’ where we used each block to represent the hourly condition of user’s environment. Beta app was created to be simple and utilitarian. The Original.

The Rebirth Age (November 2014 — February 2015)

This app was a product of our acceleration era. We were part of R/GA Accelerator powered by Techstars in NYC. Over the span of three months, we had a chance to collaborate with some of the most creative minds in the world. We were supercharged with so much inspirational ideas and executed like superheroes. This next generation of Awair app focused on data visualization through powerful and refined visual effects. It was a total art on a canvas. A Thing of A Beauty.

The Now Age (March 2015 — Present)

Now, here we are. We listened, tweaked, and repeated. Based on the feedback we got from our beta users and through numerous interviews, we decided to make the app cleaner, apply colors only where we want our user’s attention, and provide more actionable insights and solutions. We introduced proprietary scoring system (0–100) and color index (green-good, amber-fair, red-poor) to help you quickly extract relevant information when you need it. Awair app now supports multiple devices so that you can have one app that overlooks your entire environment.

Awair Action Cards

“Motivation trumps knowledge” has been our motto. So, one of the most significant benefits we’ve introduced is the “Action Cards”. With action cards, you get insights and quick fix recommendations that are easy to implement into your daily routine. This will help you create optimal conditions for your office, bedroom, and gym. Through our content partnership with Mayo Clinic, users can also benefit from articles, videos, and Q&A’s provided by one of the most prestigious medical centers in the world.

Awair understands your wellness interests and provide health tips based on them
Awair app and the device in harmony

You can also tell Awair what’s important to you. Is your bedroom’s environment is kept to help you sleep soundly throughout the night? Is your baby’s room too dry or does it contain any allergens that can induce certain skin conditions? Does your office provide enough ventilation and temperature for maximum productivity? Awair can now give you recommendations based on your interests!

We believe great internet-connected devices should provide seamlessly integrated user experience between the hardware and software products. Awair device will feature an LED screen that will show the current score of your environment and the shape of the graph that you would see from the main screen of the app. They’re always *N SYNC.

Awair is going to change how we interact with our surroundings and introduce ways to keep them healthy for us to live, play and work. Thank you for being a fan. We’re grateful to be building this with you!

Shipping Update: We’re on schedule to ship all of current pre-orders in the Fall. We’ll keep you posted as we get closer to the shipping date. Stay tuned!

Yours truly, Ron

