Introducing — Anyone Can Be a Signals Service
3 min readJun 8, 2020


BitFolio is a free social trading platform that makes it easy to discover and follow top traders while getting paid to run a paper crypto portfolio of your own. There are thousands of brilliant and creative traders doing every imaginable type of analysis, but the challenge lies in keeping track of all their insighs, lessons, and charts spread across TradingView, Telegram, Twitter, and other chatrooms. BitFolio serves as an independent third-party platform to bring all these together by empowering educators and traders alike.

How It Works

At its core, BitFolio is a paper trading platform. Accounts start with a simulated $1,000,000 and can execute both long and short trades. In addition to direction, quantity, and pair, users are required to add a note explaining why they made the trade. In this way, BitFolio serves as a rich trading journal hosted by an unbiased third party. We help you build your track record in a trusted environment.

Anyone viewing the portfolio has the option to subscribe to it — this means receiving live updates whenever a trade is executed. The updates include the direction, quantity, pair, and note as mentioned above, in addition to what percent of the total portfolio value the trade represented. Subscribers then decide how they want to act on that update, completely independent of BitFolio. Whether they want to mirror your portfolio trade-for-trade or are using your updates as signals to incorporate into a larger strategy is completely up to them.

You set a monthly subscription price for your portfolio, which can be changed at any time. We add on 20% as a platform fee, which is passed on to subscribers. To illustrate: if you set your subscription price to $100, the end user would see a price of $120. We pay you out at the beginning of each month. That’s it.

Complements Educational Crypto Services

If you already publish educational content via social media, TradingView, or a premium chatroom, then adding BitFolio to your repertoire is a really easy fit. You can consider us as an additional marketing channel for you. Since we host your portfolio, potential subscribers will know they can trust the reported returns. We also act as a discovery platform where users can serendipitously discover your portfolio and learn more about you. This gives you the flexibility to use BitFolio however you see fit, be it as your sole source of education revenue or as part of your larger brand.

BitFolio does not lay claim to any of the information contained in your portfolio, and you remain entitled to all your intellectual property. We don’t sell data or trade based on user signals, we only serve as the marketplace for subscribers to find your ideas.

Trade From Signals

BitFolio is also the right place to learn or gain insights for your own real portfolio. User portfolio performance is public, so you can easily tell which traders are best to follow. Subscriptions are on a month-by-month basis with no long-term commitment, so testing out lots of different traders or philosophies doesn’t need to break the bank. You receive real-time updates whenever there is activity on the portfolios you follow, which you can act on however you please.

Closed Beta

We are currently in a closed beta session, so please send inquiries to for passkey access.



Everyone is a signals service. Twitter: @bitfolio_dot_io. Mail to enquire about a private beta passkey.