Bitgreen Partners on West African Hydro Plant backed by the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet

Bitgreen Blockchain
3 min readFeb 26, 2023


As we build our regulation-compliant blockchain platform for impact investing, we’re delighted to announce our partnership with green infrastructure developer Sewa Energy Resources (SERL) and international climate action platform Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) to finance the Betmai Hydroelectric Facility in Sierra Leone. The partnership will fund construction of the 27 Megawatt run-of-the-river hydropower project, bringing affordable, renewable electricity to an equivalent of 500,000 households through clean energy generated by the Pampana River.

Sierra Leone is among the countries with the lowest electricity access in the world, with only an estimated 26% of its 8 million population having access to electricity. Impoverished citizens and those in rural areas are the most impacted , with power access in these groups ranging from 3–5 percent. These access shortfalls cause an over-reliance on heavily polluting imported fossil fuels to provide energy. With vital societal infrastructures unable to power key equipment, the inertia of energy poverty creates a cycle of poor health, educational deficiencies, and stunted economic growth. Betmai Hydroelectric Facility represents an essential step toward empowering Sierra Leonean citizens and industries with consistent access to renewable electricity.

At Bitgreen, we’re laying the groundwork for impact investors to back critical sustainability initiatives, including conservation, clean infrastructure, and empowerment measures for vulnerable communities. Betmai illustrates our potential to deliver vital funds for projects and community leaders combating climate change and creating spaces for innovation through the blockchain. Through our Proof-of-Stake consensus model, our layer-1 network consumes 99.9 percent less energy than traditional blockchain networks and protocols. This allows the platform to minimize its impact while embodying core values of ecological and philanthropic responsibility.

“The Betmai Hydroelectric Facility is a transformative project that will immediately benefit communities and companies across Sierra Leone,” says Adam Carver, Bitgreen CEO. “We are thrilled that our project partners see the capabilities of our platform to connect impact investors with key initiatives and climate disruptors at all levels of reach and impact to foster thoughtful and visionary change.”

As Sierra Leone’s largest clean-energy developer, SERL brings 17 years of experience to developing the Betmai project and its infrastructure. SERL is a wholly independent, indigenous-owned developer focused on constructing, financing, and operating renewable energy projects across Sierra Leone and West Africa.

“Sierra Leone is an incredibly unique country with communities that deserve access to energy,” says Kofie Macauley, Founder and CEO of SERL. “As the lead developer for Betmai, I am confident that myself and the project partners will enable people and companies to improve their lives and businesses through ecologically-focused development.”

GEAPP operates in working partnerships across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean to operationalize renewable energy transition and expansion. Established in 2021 by the Rockefeller Foundation in collaboration with the Bezos Earth Fund and IKEA Foundation, the Alliance’s primary objectives are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, extend clean power to underserved people, and enable green jobs. As a key funding partner alongside SERL, the Alliance bolsters Bitgreen’s blockchain fundraising efforts to foster impactful, ground-level ecological and humanitarian change in Sierra Leone.

“As partners on the Betmai project, we are thrilled to continue our mission in bringing clean and environmentally sound energy to vulnerable and underserved communities,” says Joseph Nganga, Vice President for Africa — Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP). “Empowering disenfranchised people through access to easily available renewable energy is a key part of our operations and how we choose which partners to collaborate with.”

Keep up to date on the Betmai project and new impact investment opportunities by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn , joining our Telegram and Discord, and signing up for our mailing list below.



Bitgreen Blockchain

Blockchain built for betterment, sustainability and curating community