Guide: How to Get Started in Bit Hotel

The step-by-step guide to understand Bit Hotel and it’s currency

Bit Hotel
6 min readNov 23, 2022

In Bit Hotel you might have noticed you can play mini-games, buy items, trade and have fun, but did you also notice some things that might not immediatelly make sense? Like the Connect Wallet button, or the purple currency called “BTH”?

The Bit Hotel native currency: BTH!

This article aims to explain all the small details so that you understand how all of the Bit Hotel game works!

For most features you can find in-depth information here as well:

We’ll be going over 3 things:
1. What is a wallet and how do you get one for Bit Hotel.
2. How to get the Bit Hotel in-game currency $BTH.
3. How to get a little bit of the BNB token (needed to buy and sell items in-game).

How to setup a wallet

In order to buy skins, furniture or rooms (NFTs) in-game or on the marketplace, you need a crypto wallet. In this guide we’re going to show you how to set up a MetaMask wallet.

The MetaMask add-on can be installed on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and the new Brave browser.

First, let’s set up MetaMask in the Chrome browser. Open up a new Chrome browser window, click here and click on ‘ADD TO CHROME’ to install MetaMask plugin.

After installing, click on the MetaMask icon on the top right corner of the chrome browser. It will open up, scroll all the way down and click Accept to agree MetaMask’s terms of use.

Then enter a password, confirm the password, and then click Create for a new account.

MetaMask will now show you a 12 word recovery key (Seed) as below.

These 12 words are the only way to restore MetaMask accounts if you forget the password. It should be stored in a safe location, such as in a notebook or USB key kept in a safe place. Then click on ‘I’VE COPIED IT SOMEWHERE SAFE’. The main screen of MetaMask will open as below.

That’s it you’ve just created a new Crypto Wallet using MetaMask! You’re address can be found by clicking on the string of numbers and letters at the top!

What is the Bit Hotel $BTH token?

The purple currency you see in-game is the so-called Bit Hotel natrive token: BTH. BTH is the crypto currency that can be used to buy skins, furniture or rooms (NFTs) in-game and on our marketplace. It is used exclusively for trading, so if an item is out of stock, you will have to use this currency to buy it from another player!

The BTH Icon

One other detail to note is that the Bit Hotel token $BTH is a token that is traded on the Binance Smart Chain, which is the name of the blockchain we use in Bit Hotel.

You need to add this blockchain to your newly created (or existing wallet) by following these steps:
1. Go to and click connect wallet.
2. Under the Binance Smart Chain tab click “Add to Metamask” (or add to “WalletName” if you ofcourse use any other wallet)
3. Now the only thing you need to do is add the BTH token to the wallet by going to your wallet and clicking “Import Tokens”, fill in the following number under “Token Contract Address”: 0x57bc18f6177cdaffb34ace048745bc913a1b1b54

How to buy $BTH via Credit Card

You can accumulate BTH tokens in several ways. One of them is to just buy them with your credit card via the ‘Top up Crypto’ feature on This feature will also show up in-game after clicking the “+” sign when you have your wallet connected!

Another way to get your hands on $BTH tokens is to trade them via PancakeSwap. This takes a few more steps so might not be recommended for beginners.

How to buy BTH with other crypto (PancakeSwap)

  • Head to PancakeSwap
  • Click the ‘Connect Wallet’ button in the top right corner
  • Choose your preferred wallet
  • Connect your address to PancakeSwap
  • Under ‘Trade’ head to ‘Exchange’
  • Fill in the amount of BUSD you’d like to trade for $BTH
  • Choose “Select a token” and copy the $BTH contract address and paste it into the text field. Make sure you’re using the contract address provided by Bit Hotel on our official channels that can be found on

The number of $BTH tokens you will get for the amount of BUSD you entered will be auto-filled by PancakeSwap.

Select “Swap” and confirm your purchase.

Your BNB (for gas) / BUSD funds will be immediately withdrawn from your account after the process is completed, and you will collect an equal number of BTH$ tokens. Want to know what BNB is and what it is used for? An explanation can be found below.

Don’t forget to add $BTH as a ticker to your Metamask/Trustwallet/other wallet as well, by adding its contract address under “Assets”. As described above the contract address for BTH is 0x57bc18f6177cdaffb34ace048745bc913a1b1b54.

What is BNB and what is it used for?

To buy or sell $BTH you need BNB (Binance Coin) to cover the gas fee. This is basically a currency needed to make transactions in Bit Hotel possible. You only need a few cents worth of this BNB to do many transactions so we recommend to only buy 1$ worth as that will go a long way.

Here’s a few things you can do in Bit Hotel for which you need a little bit of this BNB token:

  1. Buy or sell items on the Marketplace.
  2. Buy items with in-game tickets from the shop in the lobby.
  3. Play mini-games that ask for BTH to play.
  4. Trade items directly with other players in-game by sending a trade request.

Long story short, it is important to have a dollar or so worth of this BNB token otherwise you will get an error in-game when doing these things.

How to get the BNB token to your wallet

Bit Hotel makes it very simple yet again to get this token. You simply click the “+” sign in-game after connecting your wallet, or you click the Top-up crypto button on our homepage.

You can also click HERE.

After clicking the plus sign.

In Summary

In Bit Hotel you need two tokens to do things: BNB and BTH. For BNB you only need a little bit but it’s still needed to buy and sell items. BTH is the main currency and shown in the top right of the game screen. In order to have these tokens you need to set up a wallet and add the BTH token and the correct blockchain to the wallet. We have walked you through how to do this step-by-step as well.

If you are still not sure how to do certain things or you have questions simply go to our Discord or Telegram and a moderator will help you out!

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Bit Hotel

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