Get a Refund

2 min readMay 24, 2018


Hi everyone!

We thank all contributors who took part in the BitImage project. To call the refund function and get back the money you invested, you need to follow these simple steps — let’s review on the example of

  1. Log into your wallet
  2. Navigate to the “Contracts” page.

3. Enter the following Contract Address 0x620331d1aedf17a6090a938bbcd90b2ce3831b46

4. Enter the code given in the end of this post in the ABI/JSON Interface field.

5. Click the “Access” button.

6. Choose “Refund” from the list of functions.

7. Unblock your wallet.

8. Click the “Write” button.

9. In the “Gas Limit” field, the value will be filled automatically. If not, then specify the value of at least 100000.

10. Make sure you have at least 0.008 eth in your wallet — since the function requires a small commission.

11. Get the money you invested.

Those who used Jaxx can access their wallet on Please consult this tutorial.

Good luck to everyone!

ABI / JSON Interface:

