Bitlocus Investment Platform– Explained

5 min readFeb 3, 2022


For a person without in-depth crypto knowledge, investing can seem confusing with all of the different procedures and constantly changing numbers. But that’s what Bitlocus is here for.

The Bitlocus Investment Platform allows you to take part in crypto investment funds using traditional currencies, such as Euros. It is just like a traditional savings account but with much better interest rates — offering stable 5–20% annual interest on your investment.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Bitlocus Investment Platform.

1. What is the Bitlocus Investment Platform?

Bitlocus has created a platform that allows you to take advantage of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance benefits, without having to go through the hassle and security risks of creating digital wallets, finding trustworthy investment funds, and safely depositing/withdrawing funds.

It is perfectly tailored to the need of people who aren’t satisfied with an average bank offered interest rate of 0.06%, want to invest simply and securely but at the same time get overwhelmed by crypto procedures.

2. How Does the Bitlocus Investment Platform Work?

Cryptocurrency has saving and interest options, just like traditional finance. By taking part in investment funds, liquidity providing, and lending, users can generate stable yearly interest rates.

The Bitlocus Investment Platform is just like a traditional savings and investing account

We search for the highest interest rate, the safest long-term investment funds, and integrate them into our system. By doing so, we allow people to invest in the simplest way possible .

3. How Can You Start Investing With Bitlocus?

You can start participating in the cryptocurrency investment funds by directly depositing euros through the Bitlocus Investing Platform. We’ll ensure that your funds are properly converted and safely invested.

Step 1 — Pass user identification.

There are necessary legal procedures any law-compliant platform, such as Bitlocus, has to take. Due to the anonymous nature of cryptocurrency, we have to identify our customers to provide a safer service for all. You’ll be able to start your investing journey as soon as you pass user identification.

Step 2 — Deposit your money.

The next step is depositing the amount of money you want to invest. Once you’ve deposited your euros, they automatically get converted into cryptocurrency.

Step 3 — Choose where you want to invest.

This is where you get to choose which cryptocurrency investment option you want to participate in. Bitlocus has assembled a selection of the best investment options currently available. Bitlocus provides all the information necessary to help you make a weighted decision — including the information about interest rates and risks involved.

Step 4 — Relax and enjoy.

And now, you just sit back, relax, and enjoy your annual interest rates because Bitlocus will take care of the rest. Bitlocus is taking all the necessary steps to minimize risk and provide security to your investments. Keep in mind that there are no absurd commitments to stay on the platform — you can withdraw your funds in a year, a month, or any time you want.

4. What are the Benefits of the Bitlocus Investment Platform?

- No headaches.

Bitlocus Investment platform is tailored to people without in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrencies. It is meant to save you time and mitigate risk. If you’re not cryptocurrency savvy, you can still take advantage of decentralized finance and the benefits that come with it.

- Fewer fees.

Bitlocus compresses the generally long and tedious process of crypto investing into 3 simple steps.

Usually, if you’d want to invest in crypto, you’d have to pass user identification in an exchange platform, then buy cryptocurrency using traditional currencies. Then, you’d have to swap your digital currency for the one you want to invest in and transfer the funds into your crypto wallet, which you’d first have to create. After all of this, you’d have to do some research and find the best investment option to partake in. And only then, you could invest.

And don’t forget that you’d be paying fees at every step of the way. Since every time your digital funds move, you pay transaction fees.

If you’d want to withdraw the funds, you’d again have to go through tons of redundant steps — go to the exchange platform, transfer the funds back to your wallet, exchange them into traditional currency, and withdraw it to your bank.

With Bitlocus, this whole long process only takes 3 steps — you deposit, invest and withdraw.

- No stress.

We’ve implemented a $30 million fund of insurance for the custodial part of investments while our team is carefully screening the investment funds, and third-party security firms are reviewing our platform, and making sure the code is flawless.

- Save time.

You’ll find everything in one place — no need for research in hopes of finding the best investment options. Bitlocus has acquired a selection of the best crypto investment options there are. And, you won’t have to hop from page to page — access multiple investment funds you’ve participated in on one page.

- More money to you.

Investment options Bitlocus offers have higher interest rates than traditional banks. You can get up to 17 % interest with options available on our platform. Banks usually offer an average of 0,06 % interest rate, which in the background of the inflation rate of over 10 % is insufficient to cover the depreciation of money invested.

All in 1 solution for institutional and retail traders

Bitlocus caters to people who aren’t satisfied with what banks have to offer and are searching for better investment options. Bitlocus provides an alternative to savings accounts just with crypto benefits.

We know that the crypto world can feel a bit overwhelming with all of the different procedures, scary risks, and constantly changing rates. Leave all your worries to Bitlocus — enjoy crypto benefits without getting stuck in a spider web of crypto procedures and information. Bitlocus will do all of the heavy lifting for you and make sure your investment is safe and sound.

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