BitNautic in the United Kingdom | A Revolution in Shipping Industry

2 min readMar 30, 2021


With the news of the BitNautic launch in the United Kingdom, people belonging to the shipping industry have started to think inquisitively about the impacts of this platform on their businesses. The usability of BitNautic is still the question for which people are looking for.

If you have some confusion in your mind regarding BitNautic, the following elements will help you to understand BitNautic in a better way.

Solving Real-Life Problem

BitNautic never emphasizes you gamble on cryptocurrencies because of its usefulness in your life. The shipping industry is afflicted for years and not able to jump into the 3rd millennium. So, BitNautic aims to drive a change in the shipping industry by holding carriers, producers, shippers, and buyers together on one platform.

You might have a question in your mind about the feasibility of BitNautic in real life. It is a fact that each member of the shipping industry has different goals, and very hard to provide them equal growth opportunities. But BitNautic provides efficiency through a unique working principle that is helping it to make a successful launch in the United Kingdom.

It is a decentralized platform that enables stakeholders such as importers, exporters, ship owners, carriers, and agents to come on the same page, negotiating their terms, therefore, avoiding the long chains that arise due to multiple parties’ involvement. BitNautic upholds all supply chain members together where ship owners can list their ships with updated locations while cargo operators can find the best shipping routes at reasonable prices. Efficient maritime transportation helps business to expand their network and drive more clients.

Secure and Transparent Platform

Security is the biggest challenge the shipping industry is facing for years. The idea behind BitNautic was to deal with all the challenges the shipping industry had. BitNautic is an Ethereum based Blockchain network that makes different events happening visible. It stores data in blocks that enable every authorized BitNautic user to access the latest transaction. For example, a shipowner can check the latest status of his different ships.

In addition to this, BTNT tokens are based on smart contracts, customized code developed for a specified purpose. If any required state approaches, the transaction will happen. It makes the network reliable and free of scams.


BitNautic has a team of experts from the software and shipping industry that helps to grow, resist modern challenges. Our expertise and success in the past years are the reasons behind expanding our network to the United Kingdom.

Visit our website and become a part of BitNautic to stabilize your workflows of the shipping industry.




BitNautic is a Decentralized Shipping and Cargo platform based on Blockchain Technology.