Unlocking the Door to Blockchain Entrepreneurship: Opportunities Provided by BitNest

2 min readMay 14, 2024

In today’s digital age, blockchain technology is changing the face of the world, and you, as an individual, have the opportunity to be part of it. As an open, transparent, and innovative blockchain platform, BitNest provides a rare entrepreneurial opportunity.

Liquidity Entrepreneurship Opportunities

BitNest believes that entrepreneurship should not be exclusive to a select few but should be an option for everyone. Therefore, we have opened up entrepreneurial opportunities to all, regardless of your professional background, education level, or experience. As long as you are interested in blockchain, you can find your own opportunity at BitNest.

BitNest has chosen a user-friendly entrepreneurial model for the average blockchain enthusiast, focusing on earning returns through providing liquidity. Many people are familiar with various DeFi earning methods. BitNest’s entire profit model can be simply understood as follows: Users provide funds or invite friends to form a team to supply liquidity. For example, if a user provides 10,000 USDT of liquidity, after one day, they can receive 10,040 USDT back. After 7 days, they receive 10,400 USDT, after 14 days 10,950 USDT, and after 28 days 12,400 USDT, with the highest 28-day return reaching up to 24%! This far exceeds the investment rate of traditional industries.

And the profits in this example are only from the user’s own investment. If they invite friends to join, users can also earn up to 17 generations of circulation profits from their friends!

Liquidity Profit Explanation

The reason BitNest can offer continuous investment returns far exceeding traditional industries to users who provide liquidity is due to BitNest’s lending services. Most of BitNest’s profits come from the interest paid by borrowing players. The profit model is relatively stable, so there is no risk of capital loss, making it worth a try!

More Entrepreneurial Opportunities

At BitNest, if you think you want to earn more through BitNest, you can try applying to become one of BitNest’s various partners. BitNest will assist partners in expanding their teams through financial subsidies, entrepreneurial guidance, and more!

Joining BitNest, you will no longer be just an observer but a real entrepreneur. You will have the opportunity to participate in the innovation of blockchain technology and realize your entrepreneurial dreams. Becoming a member of BitNest will be a significant decision in your life.


Now, the opportunity is right before your eyes. You just need to take the first step to embark on your own journey of blockchain entrepreneurship. Join BitNest, start your entrepreneurial path, and create your own future!




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