TransPacific Partnership (TPP) y la posición de China desde la perspectiva Mexicana“China se siente como el niño excluido del curso”, así se manifestó el señor Zhang Chao, representante del CCPIT (China Council for…May 2, 2016May 2, 2016
Nuevas Reglas para Importaciones Online en ChinaCuando uno escucha “China” y “eCommerce” en la misma oración lo primero que se viene a la mente son Alibaba y Aliexpress, los sitios web…Apr 26, 2016Apr 26, 2016
Trump, Truth, and a Timestamp: Could the blockchain transform politics?Ok, so you’ve clicked the bait. But this could actually change everything. Let’s combine two inescapable themes: the blockchain and…Jan 5, 2016Jan 5, 2016
BitNexo wins Seedstars Shanghai!!Last friday, June 12th, we won the Shanghai selection for the next Seedstars World competition!!Jun 17, 2015Jun 17, 2015
Chinaccelerator Demo Day!!It’s the most important day for every accelerator. The culmination of months of hard work, sleepless nights, and pounding the pavement…Jun 9, 2015Jun 9, 2015
BitNexo releases closed BetaOur first fully functional service is just released, a huge milestone in the life of any startup!Apr 23, 2015Apr 23, 2015
G.O.A.T!! (Part III)This is the final part of the GOAT adventure. Here are Part I and Part IIApr 13, 2015Apr 13, 2015