Beeznix Begins Game Assets Library & Blockchain Integration!

2 min readNov 9, 2018


Game development is no easy process, it takes a village; loaded up with passion, skills and the eye for details (amongst many other things) to steer the ship into the intended direction.

While the creative team have kicked off the creative processes loading up on assets, our production team have officially began their pipeline working on the integration of our shared access library on the blockchain platform. The development is focused on the goal of looking deeply into the process of storing game item ownerships, history, and metadata.

Sample ERC-721 token in-game base design

Gearing full speed towards creating an entire game verse that enables player-owned assets to be integrated into multiple games and apps will not only give our players the gift of choice but more importantly enable them to fully utilise their very own digital assets. These digital collectibles give our players a variety of fun and engage fully playable modes that suit their fancy.

To retain the “Free to play” business model and encourage more players to experience the Beeznix game world, we will be linking and storing collectable ERC-721 assets on highly secure private servers until our players choose to withdraw their tokens into their personal wallets in which we will then facilitate the transfer of ownership of these tokens to the users at their own expense (gas fees).

Stay tuned, we’ll be back with more progress updates along the way!

Meanwhile, if you’d like to get to know us better, check out our pages at:




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Crypto game reward tokens powered by real honey farms.