5 min readJun 8, 2018

Bitney: Play the game. Save the world. Get paid.

Bitney is an in-game cryptocurrency reward powered by real honey farms and blockchain!

As a newcomer to the games and cryptocurrency space, Bitney provides a brand new experience for gamers. While many have heard of the marriage between blockchain and games, Bitney is the first of its kind to have cryptocurrency in a game which is backed by a real honey farms, and is headed towards a media franchise!

Honeybees perform some level of pollination of nearly 75% of all plant species directly used for human food worldwide. Catastrophic loss of honeybees from Colony Collapse Disorder and other threats could have significant impact on the world as we know it, and potentially an apocalypse. Seriously, people!


Gaming communities connect, empower and build through the platform of entertainment. This is the reason why the games industry has grown steadily over the years and emerge as a global economic force with the colossal revenues generated. Gamers, developers, content creators, fans are critical components that make up the gaming communities. Topics ranging from favorite character combat moves, most creative skins, to compelling storylines in a game are discussed together regardless of where one can be. With strong participations from all key players, the gaming industry is said to have raked in $108.9bn in 2017.

What’s next for 2018 and beyond? Game genres commonly explored such as first person shooter, action-adventure, survival horror, adventure, simulation, role-playing, and strategy have been recycled throughout time. It’s time to think about the next step in evolution and the answer? It’s combining highly developed and secure technology with creative game play while allowing players to monetize on a model that is backed by honey. Sound familiar? No? Of course! Because Beeznix the game is the first of its kind and it’s coming your way!

Beeznix the Game

Beeznix concept art

Beeznix is a game in development that breaks new grounds both in terms of gameplay, digital asset ownership and rewards. Merging elements of blueprints, strategy, base-building and cryptocurrency rewards with a platformer makes this model unique. The in-game assets are powered by ERC 721 and ERC 20 cards which are powered by blockchain. These cards unlock a different level of playing field for each players depending on the rarity of cards they receive in the game. Blueprints or simply known as Bluepz in the game, assigns 4 levels of ownership rights to each their holders allowing players to be creators, discoverers, owners or renters.

Creating an intelligence economy for gamers

Evolution of game skins

Creators essentially design blueprints using a provided template and may submit their work of art for a vote in the Beeznix gameverse. Discoverers are gamers who organically receive Bluepz via drops within the game. Owners are gamers who hold Bluepz in their backpack, upon combining one or more Bluepz, they can even generate a hybrid. Lastly, the renters are gamers who rent Bluepz to produce their own in-game assets, using their own resources. Renters pay tithes minimally for use of Bluepz to continue their journey in the game.

The monetization of this “intellectual property” creates an intelligence economy where players can make full use of their blueprints as “rights to build”. For example, the owner of a rare rocketship blueprint can earn by manufacturing rocketships for other players who do not have the rocketship blueprint.


With a brief touch of the concept of Bluepz, the potential for in-game monetization is aplenty. Essentially from the 4 tier of ownerships, players falling into either categories make money in the game! The only difference is how much each player makes. Transacting using in-game currency — Bitney, gamers can continually accumulate wealth in the game by continuously playing to build or cash out. Bitneys offer currency stability with the backing of a honey business that uses part of its profits to purchase Bitney from the market and place it back in the Beeznix Game Rewards Bank.

Decentralized Assets

By harnessing the power of a decentralized platform like blockchain, Beeznix and Bitney provide the gaming community with a gaming platform that benefits the players, developers, content creators as well as the gaming community at large. This also ensures the fair distribution probability as blockchain is famously known to be a decentralized platform, highly complex and secured.

Through Beeznix gaming platform and Bitney as in-game currency, the gaming community have fun and earn within a safe environment for communications, game challenges, peer-to-peer transactions and so much more. Gamers earn according to their skills, creativity and asset accumulation via Bluepz as provided in the game while raking in rewards in the form of Bitneys.

Labeling beehives for provenance at Giant B farms

Honey Farms

Partnering with Giant B as and added measure to safeguard and back Bitney, gamers are in for a treat to a gaming currency that’s backed by actual and real commodity — honey. This is also why this model is incredibly unique, no one’s done this before.

This futuristic gameplay and in-game currency not only treats fans of the game to a good time in handling game and creativity challenges, earning money through developments in the game and saving the world through the use case of honey at the same time.

For more information on Bitney, our whitepaper and roadmap, check out our pages at:






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Crypto game reward tokens powered by real honey farms.