Blockchain Games Gives Back — Rewarding Players Through Game Play

3 min readDec 3, 2018


The desire to create a game that brings about different emotional excitement and a positive experience has always been lingering passion with the Bitbubs crew when we started out on our journey. The passion was so raw and served as a daily reminder that helped us fix our eyes on the prize — delivering a great blockchain game that rewards players with an incredibly positive experience and with the added bonus of monetization.

Let’s be real, mobile games are taking the markets by storm and they’re here to stay. Newzoo reported that mobile revenues account for more than 50% of the global games market as it reaches $137.9 billion in 2018! That’s crazy numbers right there!

As avid mobile gamers, we are well aware market potentials and dangers. One of the market pain points is the extreme monetization practices happening right now, while we’re paving the path to solutions, we believe that the use of blockchain is a solution to many problems current gamers face. Here’s how:

  1. Blockchain Based Loot Box Mechanics
Blockchain-based loot box mechanics give players full visibility of their digital assets and let them know the exact numbers currently in circulation.

You’ve heard about the loot box drama that’s been going on or probably read it somewhere online. We’ll be real and bring it to you, major game publishers like Polygon reported out loud about game industry gearing towards government scrutiny. While another fellow major publisher, GameSpot has cited industry leader, IGDA chief Jen MacLean calling out on the issue saying “the video game industry must address the loot box controversy”. While serious discussions take place at a higher level, there’s something we believe — we can resolve.

Blockchain-based loot box mechanics essentially give players full visibility of their digital assets and tells them the exact numbers currently in circulation. This knowledge combined with a digital asset marketplace & full player control over their digital assets allows players to price these assets accordingly, thus encouraging healthy community trading.

2. Empower the Player

Players now have full control of their digital assets with blockchain

The blockchain trend prides itself on delivering full ownership to users at the same time allowing them the freedom to use their digital items however they like. Differing from most traditional loot box mechanics where items are non-tradable and fully owned and controlled by centralized systems. Players can now trade, sell, buy & destroy these assets if they choose, giving them the freedom to monetize off their game investments. This gives birth to an intelligent marketplace which players can use to their advantage.

Our business direction operates on the fairness of distribution and allowing gamers to enhance creativity in their gameplay by handing them the autonomy to play and ‘design’ their game experience as they see fit. You can read about how this work here.

3. Trading Market Place

Players can securely trade their digital collectibles on securely provided marketplaces.

Players can securely trade their digital collectibles on securely provided marketplaces. Their digital items are now more than just a form of player gratification. Now that they have a digital scarcity and multiple forms of usage, they are fully considered as digital assets!

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