Who are anonymous; What is anonymity; About Anon Inu (AINU) Token (Cryptocurrency)

6 min readSep 18, 2021


This is a post regarding what the point of all of this was. The Chaos which has been stirred in the last few months around Anon Inu (AINU). Why is there an anonymous token which was supposedly built by a well known hacking group; yet was rug pulled/scammed?

There is a lot of mis-understanding about anonymous and who they are. Some believe they are a hacking group. Some believe they are criminals, some also believe they are not anonymous.

The truth is that anyone can be anonymous. Just because they are not hacking a website or wearing a mask or even have anonymous next to their name. They may be coders or experts of cryptologic science. They are those who are not afraid to stand up for those who are unable to speak for themselves or are made to feel weak by others. They are all people working for the people in their own way using the skills they are adorned with.

Anonymous does not seek approval or expect the general public to worship them. They do not require fiat or cryptocurrency to do the work they do. They do it because they want to gain justice and peace. Sometimes this may involve chaos to achieve the results for voices to be heard in order to accomplish developments.

Those who do not have a voice are the ones who deserve support and understanding. They are the ones who need the public to hold their hands through the good and the bad times. There is so much suffering in the world for many who have not asked to be victims.

1. Anonymous is an immaterial idea.

2. Anonymous is a living, breathing, entity.

3. Any individual can become Anonymous.

4. Not all can join the collective. 5. Anonymous has no head.

6. Anonymous speaks for itself.

7. No one speaks for Anonymous.

8. Justice is the will of Anonymous.

9. Chaos is Justice.

10. Lulz empowers and justice unites.

We are Anonymous We are logic, We are animals, We are without Count, We are Legion, We do not Forgive, We do not Forget, Expect Us!

About Anon Inu (Ainu) Token -

The misunderstanding which has stirred recently with the Anonymous Facebook page has given anonymous a bad reputation by making out they are doing good for people. In fact the only intentions made by the owner of this Facebook page had for the funds which were to be received from releasing the tokens this year (AnonGate, God Token, Anon Inu and the next one to be released in December 2021 Anon Token) were to line his own pockets for his own greed and was not do good for the world or the people who share the world we all live in.

Unfortunately this has given the Anon Inu (AINU) cryptocurrency a hard start in life. There are furious investors who have been victims of the fraudsters scam in July. Those holders are at a great loss. They truly believed that they would be involved in a token which was supported by Anonymous. Let’s face it; why would the Anonymous fanatics think/believe any different from when a Facebook Page with over 11 million followers was promoting it?

I understand this may be old boring news for some who have heard this before but the reality is that a lot of investors are not willing to hear the truth behind Anon Inu (AINU) token and the real history of the Anonymous Facebook page, the YouTube account; or the Twitter account they also run are associated with. (There is evidence of these promotions via screen shots/videos for the authorities if they wish to see them).

The good of the people behind the project who have taken the strength and courage to stand up for what is right for the community who have already invested in Anon Inu (AINU) are all working towards making this cryptocurrency something worth holding onto. There are plans which are not disclosed to the community; however this is unfortunate they are not published. We do this for the safety of all current holders and future investors. This is due to copy cats who are determined to out do Anon Inu and are creating either honey pots with the same name (always check the contract address) or they are trying to be opportunists to capitalise from the name of the token for their own gains.

The fact is that the project team who are now behind Anon Inu (AINU) are passionate anonymous individuals who care about people; their mental health, their physical health and any injustice which has been served to humans throughout their lives. This includes being scammed, abused, bullying, the vulnerable and anyone else who does not have a voice.

We are not here at this present moment in time to force or tell anyone to invest in Anon Inu (AINU); those who wish to invest will do using their own judgements.

There is a strong team who are always willing to answer any questions about what has happened. They have created a secure website for people to do their own research. If people are investing in any cryptocurrency without doing any research; unfortunately as hard as it may be to hear, they are going to be either manipulated or fall victims of scams easily.

Anyone who is wishing to see the Anon Inu (AINU) Token as anything other than an investment will be disappointed. We do not encourage buying and selling as this can be associated with gambling which can be addictive.

We are here to support those people if they wish to seek support.

Anon Inu (AINU) has had the marketing and charity wallets blacklisted before the contract was renounced to ensure the maximum security for the future of this cryptocurrency back in July. Therefore it is important to realise that the work which is being done is purely voluntarily.

The Tokenomics for the token are legit and are beneficial for the holders; therefore this makes a good investment for people.

It is also crucial that everyone who is interested in the Anon Inu (AINU) token is made aware of the facts; the true contract address and the real social support networks. Regrettably there have been many opportunists who are trying to take advantage of desperate people and therefore they are creating social handles which are not focusing on the depth of the background of the scam/fraud which has previously occurred.

We at Anon Inu (AINU) please encourage anyone who is a holder to visit the legitimate Anon Inu (AINU) channels/socials to be kept up to date with all relevant information -






Important information to be aware of -

When Anon Inu was released it started on a TG group which has an extensive dramatic history of being left to fend for itself with over 18,000 members when the project/promotional manager realised that the owner of the Facebook group was scamming people.

Therefore the Telegram named Official Anon Inu Token — https://t.me/anoninucoin has Scam written at the top left for a reason! The Telegram group was sold to someone who was promoting their own token called WeedCoin for a short while. This caused major disruptions to all the community members. It has since been taken over by an unknown party who we believe was intending on keeping the group open to eventually us it for a platform for a new scam token.

Please be aware that this is not an official group and is NOT moderated. If you are a holder/Investor of Anoninu and are in this telegram; we urge you to leave and join the legitimate social handles listed above.




I am a volunteer who is working for the people. I encourage learning about cryptocurrency and the risks people take without researching.