BIT Exchanges: our tokens come to HitBTC

2 min readMay 24, 2018

The BitRewards team is thrilled to announce that our BIT tokens will be available on HitBTC exchange, one of the biggest exchanges operating since 2013.

BitRewards is a fascinating rewards and loyalty software platform that targets small and medium businesses. As we issue a utility based ERC-20 token, our platform can be used by only token holders — online shops and their customers that receive BIT tokens as a reward for their purchases. In order to expand the user base, the team has decided to list tokens on well-known exchanges.

High volume exchanges are by any means the most convenient ones — both for the projects and token holders. It helps to reduce the risk of internal exchange rate volatility, as well as represents a nifty way for crypto enthusiasts to purchase newly listed tokens. After careful research, the team decided to choose HitBTC among the exchanges for our BIT token.

“We value safety and convenience of our customers,” — said Alexander Nevidimov, Chief Technology Officer. “That’s why we’re pleased to partner with the HitBTC exchange and make our tokens available for people around the world.” Indeed, the internal exchange’s security, easy and friendly interface and speed of transactions made the choice quite clear for the BitRewards team.

HitBTC is one of many exchanges BitRewards will be working with. The priority for the team is to let users freely trade BIT tokens on their preferred platforms. The order and pace of listing rollouts is not as important. After the first listing, others will soon follow, letting BitRewards naturally expand its platform user base.

So, get ready — soon BIT tokens are coming to HitBTC — and make sure to follow us on social media to get updates on the BitRewards development process and future exchanges.

Find out more about BitRewards and our Token Launch at our site BitRewards.Network

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Cashback & Loyalty Points in Cryptocurrency. Bringing rewards on blockchain to shops & shoppers. Working product, team of 20+, 5 years on the market