BitRewards Advisors — Nathan Christian

2 min readFeb 16, 2018

The next Advisor in our series of posts is Nathan Christian.

Nathan is the Founder and leader of the consulting company (, which builds applications on Ethereum blockchain, develops Smart Contracts and launches ERC20 tokens.

Nathan received an MBA from the Ohio State University. He is a brilliant expert in end-to-end cryptocurrency development and launch. Nathan is also an exceptional strategist, business developer, speaker, angel & venture capital investor with over 35 startups in the portfolio. In addition to being a Top 10 ranked ‘People of Blockchain’, he is an accomplished blockchain and fintech international public speaker.

He has vast experience in setting up cryptocurrency full-node servers, as well as being able to work with any third party integration and APIs (Blockchain API, Coinbase, Mycelium, Bitgo, Bitcoin Daemon, Ethereum, PM, altcoins and financial API’s, etc.). His team has also acquired special skills to maximize the security of cryptocurrency based platforms.

Nathan has advised a great number of ICO projects, among which are Paymon and Gamblica. Being an exceptional strategist and experienced leader in marketing and PR, Nathan will be a valuable contribution to the BitRewards team.

Find out more about BitRewards and our Token Launch at our site BitRewards.Network

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Cashback & Loyalty Points in Cryptocurrency. Bringing rewards on blockchain to shops & shoppers. Working product, team of 20+, 5 years on the market