BitRewards announces partnership with MARK.SPACE

2 min readMar 15, 2018

We are glad to meet an excellent partner on board.

MARK.SPACE is an open source platform for creation of 3D- and VR- compatible web-spaces (websites) and objects, powered by blockchain.

The ultimate goal of MARK.SPACE is to give the world an easy tool to create and launch any VR/3D project and to do so quickly, without any significant costs. All projects created on the platform will be accessible from most ordinary devices, such as a PCs, laptops, tablets or smartphones — through any web-browser and without the need to use a VR-headset. The company has digitised entire shopping malls with branded stores, including all the details of interiors and complete product lines.

Since MARK.SPACE enables companies to sell digital content like music, videos, books, images as well as real merchandise in MARK.SPACE Shopping District, a virtual commercial space with the limited number of units, BitRewards will supply those e-commerce businesses with the cutting-edge loyalty software, thus increasing sales and driving the profits up.

The synergy of both companies is a great example of a win-win situation: the shoppers will receive BIT tokens, a cryptocurrency, for their purchases and other actions, whereas the merchants represented at Shopping District will get a premium blockchain loyalty platform for free.

The agreement opens the door for the BitRewards customers to virtualize their operating businesses and reserve the place at MARK.SPACE Shopping district. For most of the companies it will be a unique chance to establish a virtual reality ecosystem. The agreement also allows for the constant information exchange for the better cooperation and constant improvement of the platforms.

Our partnership is one step ahead of the whole market — together, we will shape the future of e-commerce.

Find out more about BitRewards and our Token Launch at our site BitRewards.Network

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Cashback & Loyalty Points in Cryptocurrency. Bringing rewards on blockchain to shops & shoppers. Working product, team of 20+, 5 years on the market