Couch to 5K: How NOT to Do It

Bits of Adventures
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Diving into my 5K training misadventures: wrong shoes, overdoing it, and ignoring rest.

That’s NOT how you want to reach 5K. Image by Author.

When I first got off the couch and started training for a 5K, I did it in the worst possible way. Not only did it take much more time than expected, but I kept getting injured in all possible and creative ways.

So I thought I’d share some tips on the most awful way to reach 5K. Useful both if you want to avoid them, or enjoy doing things the wrong way.

1. Wear Wrong Shoes

Everybody knows that running in shoes that fit well is way too easy. Don’t bother learning whether you’re an overpronator, or worse, getting your feet 3D scanned in a dedicated running store. Don’t be one of those people who ask for advice. Avoid ensuring that your toes have enough space, because your feet expand during long runs.

Simply google “top running shoes” and buy online those that look the best. Because, let’s be frank, running is all about looks.

2. Run at Maximum Effort

You know the 10% rule? The one about not increasing your training load too much? Forget it. Run as hard as you can every single time. Forget about rest days. Your body doesn’t need any time to recover or adapt. Each day when you’re not running or running at an easy pace, slows your progress.

And obviously, neglect sleep. It’s just another waste of time. So go to bed as late as possible.

You know what you could be doing instead of resting or sleeping? Damn right, running!

3. Ditch the Training Plan

Yes, there are thousands of training plans available for free online. Hundreds of professional coaches. Running groups.

That’s not for you. You know better than these self-proclaimed experts. You run on intuition. You want true challenges (and injuries). Just run at maximum effort, maximum distance every day. It’s much simpler.

4. Skip Warm Up

Warm-ups take time. Like 5 whole minutes. That’s a lot. You know what you could be doing in these 5 minutes? Yep, running!

So skip any warm-ups and go straight for your 30K long run at maximum speed.

And obviously, always run through injuries. You can’t stop in the middle of a run just because of some sharp pain. You’re not that kind of person. You’re a warrior.

So what if you won’t be able to train for many weeks afterward ? You finished that one run, your ego is safe, and in the end, isn’t this the only thing that matters? As everybody knows, winning one random battle is always more important than winning the war.

5. Go Hard on Long Runs

Do not, in any circumstances, go easy on long runs. You should run your 20K at the same speed as you would run a sprint. If possible, even faster. Yes, you might not be able to run (or walk) for many weeks afterwards. But you didn’t compromise, and, isn’t this the only thing that matters?

That’s it. I hope these few tips will inform you of the worst possible way to reach 5K (or not reach it at all).

Also, if you’re interested in planning your runs, week by week, check out my free Android app.



Bits of Adventures

I write about self-improvement, fitness, travel and adventures.