The Benefits of Treadmill Workouts: 5 Reasons Why I Love Them

Bits of Adventures
2 min readApr 9, 2023


Or Why Treadmill Workouts Are Perfect for Busy People.

The Monster. I mean, the “Treadmill”. Photo by Author.

I love running outside — the sound of birds singing, the warm sun on my skin, and the cool breeze in my hair. Why would anyone swap that for the treadmill — the human version of a hamster wheel?

But a few months back, when the weather outside was particularly awful, I decided to give it a shot. And guess what? I loved it!

Turns out the treadmill has a couple advantages over running outside. Here they are:

1. It’s Great for Optimizing Your Training

Your smartwatch or fitness band might know everything about your run, but when it comes to achieving your fitness objectives, you need someone, or something, to make you run in a certain way.

Whether you want to run faster, longer, or do some weight optimization, the treadmill has got your back. By targeting specific heart-zones, it can help you run at the perfect speed and effort for your fitness goals.

2. It’s Great for Any Weather

So, picture this: you’re excited about your daily run. You slip on your favorite sneakers, start your favorite playlist, and swing open the door…only to realize that nature had different plans.

Rain, snow, snowy rain, rainy snow. So many ways the weather can get between you and your run.

But who never fails you when you need a good run ? Damn right, the treadmill. It’s always there for you, sitting in the corner of the gym, ready to go whenever you are.

3. It’s Great for Entertainment

Music and podcasts are great. But you know what’s even better? Binge-watch your favorite TV shows or movies. That’s a much stronger motivation for long runs that can last several hours. Just don’t forget to download them in advance to avoid draining your mobile data.

4. It’s Great for Specific Pace Training

Another great thing about the Treadmill? It can teach you to run at a specific pace. Especially useful if you’re aiming to ace (or simply finish) a marathon but are concerned about starting too quickly.

5. It’s Great for a Tight Schedule

If you have a treadmill at home or in your building’s gym, it’s a great way to fit in a morning workout before a busy day (or a meeting). No time wasted walking to and from your favorite running spot, and you know exactly when you’ll be finished. Plus, if you’re running late, you can stop at any time.

That’s it. I hope these few reasons convinced you to give the human hamster wheel — I mean, the treadmill — a chance.

Also, if you’re interested in planning your runs, week by week, check out my free Android app.



Bits of Adventures

I write about self-improvement, fitness, travel and adventures.