To the Newcomers in the IT Field: What is Linux?

3 min readJul 15, 2023


In today’s rapidly developing technology environment, it is extremely important to use the right tools for those who are taking their first steps in the IT field. However, new software developers who are faced with hundreds of concepts may sometimes have difficulty deciding where to start. In this article, we will briefly discuss the basic concepts, advantages, and role of Linux in the software development life cycle.

What is Linux?

Linux is an operating system.

What is Linux’s feature?

Linux operating system is special in terms of its architectural structure. It has an architecture that manages file access by creating a layer for each user and thus provides security. It has better performance and security than Windows architecture. It is preferred as a professional solution due to its advantage in terms of performance and security. And at this point, the black screen of the software world appears. With all these features, Linux is becoming the most widely used Server Operating System.

In Linux; You can perform dozens of jobs such as code compilation, debugging, saving log files and cleaning outdated files regularly, tas automation, pipeline (the process of connecting different stages or processes of an application and transferring data from one stage to another) process setup and management, network protocols via the server terminal screen. Because you can work in Linux without GUI (graphical user interface). Various terminal applications are used instead of GUI on the server. The most common of these is bash.

The user interface, on the other hand, is more for the end user and aims to allow the end user to benefit from the computer’s features at the optimum level. This is also an example of abstraction, which we know from the OOP concept while learning Object Oriented Programming languages like Java or Python.

In this article, we are not discussing Linux versions for the end user or Linux versions that are essential for the cyber security field. We will discuss these topics in another article.

You cannot believe how capable the Linux terminal is!

For example, there are millions of records in databases. These are stored in XML files with thousands of lines and there are cases where the contents of these files need to be checked on the pipeline.

For example; We may want to see only the records labeled “female” in a file. In this case, we will need to write a short one-line command: less student.xml | grep female

or we can figure out how many records are labeled ‘female’ by further planning.

According to the number we get, we can prepare a bash script with a few lines and examine each file according to the criteria we determined, and perform separate operations for those that meet the criteria and those that do not. This process takes a few seconds on the Linux Server.

Linux terminal is a powerful tool for efficiently managing large amounts of data on databases containing millions of records. Commands such as grep and wc can be used to extract and count data based on specific criteria. This makes it possible to quickly process and analyze large amounts of data with just a few lines of code.

