Bitwave raise $7.25mil to Bring Digital Assets to Enterprises

3 min readAug 12, 2021


by Patrick White, CEO

I’m thrilled, and genuinely humbled, to announce today that Bitwave has raised a $7.25mil seed round, led by Blockchain Capital and an incredible collection of investors from Nascent, Nima,, XBTO Humla, and with support from existing angel Rowan Trollope.

We started Bitwave with a simple goal — to bring digital assets to enterprises. With over 30 customers, including publicly traded companies and the world’s foremost ICOs, I like to think we’re well on the way to achieving our dream.

But, what does it really mean to bring digital assets to enterprises? Well, it all starts with the basics — tax and accounting. Bitwave is the absolutely leading solution for business digital asset tax and accounting. That includes basic reconciliation and gain loss reporting, but extends to AR, AP, wallet monitoring, and more. Our goal is to natively support any digital asset business process our customers can envision, and we’ve recently broached a new threshold with a free to use digital asset bulk send contract you can use right from Bitwave.

Our customers include companies like Greenidge Power Generation and Elite Mining, miners helping to make the crypto industry greener and more sustainable. We helped Stoner Cats through their NFT launch, and I get excited about customer Opyn and their incredibly forward looking DeFi options contracts, and Radar Relay (now Core Scientific) the team that helped start all this DeFi craziness.

Our customers have made us who we are, and I want to extend a hearty thank you — building an enterprise company is fundamentally a social exercise, it’s about finding people you can work with that have the problem you want to solve, and our customers have become some of our best friends.

Bitwave also supports a broad partner network of crypto-knowledgable tax and accounting advisors who have been the backbone of our success, working tirelessly to help us better the product, and define the future of tax and accounting. If you’re looking for digital asset tax and accounting help, please reach out to our partners.

If your business uses cryptocurrencies or Digital Assets today, or would like to, Bitwave has solutions that can make the life of your tax and accounting team infinitely better — visit us at or reach out to us at If you’re a developer looking to make a real impact on the world, we’re hiring for every position and take our role in the crypto revolution seriously. Reach out to us, we’d love to talk!

Finally, if you’re just passionate about crypto — keep doing what you’re doing. We’re making an impact, the world is getting better for the unbanked, small businesses, and anyone that wants greater control over their financial future. The world needs more curious, excited, inquisitive, and forward looking people, and you’re definitely that kind of character.




Bitwave is the leading accounting and tax solution for Digital Assets