How to deposit in your Bitzlato account using the Telegram bot

2 min readOct 6, 2019
Bitzlato Crypto-platform.

On this guide we gonna teach you how to deposit in your Bitzlato account using the Telegram bot.

1 — Once in the bot, to deposit click in the button “Wallet” (Important: The steps are the same for all others bots like ETH, Dogecoin, etc.).

Wallet button.

2 — You gonna see your BTC wallet menu. Click in “Deposit”.

Wallet menu.

3 — Done, you gonna see your bitcoin wallet address:

Deposit address.

Copy and send your bitcoins to this wallet. After 1 network confirmation the funds will be available in your wallet. You gonna receive a confirmation on the bot once you have the funds ready to use.

Please, keep in mind that if you have any doubt or any problem you can contact our support 24/7/365 (Beware with scammers, only use the support methods stated on our site!).




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