Wise Guy

Biz Stone
10 min readNov 19, 2023
A flock of birds in flight.

During the time I had returned to Twitter (2017–2021), at some point I was asked to write a Tweet-length (then, still 140 characters or less) bit of wisdom at the top of an essential weekly email update sent to the whole company. I did it for just shy of a year before the format of the update was changed. I just discovered them in my Medium drafts. I don’t remember doing it but otherwise, they would have been lost to time. So, here they are if you feel like glancing through them. I’d say some of them are pretty good and some of them are cringeworthy. It’s up to you which are which!


Find the bright spot. When all seems wrong and broken, instead of dwelling on what’s wrong and broken, find something that works, and zoom in on that. Seek out the positive “bright spot” in a sea of seemingly limitless negativity. Solutions emerge if you look for the positive.

What is normal? We’re well acquainted with our idiosyncrasies but usually blind to those of everyone else. Too often we feel solitary in our oddity. I love Twitter for its ability to invite us into the inner lives of strangers and show us that we’re not alone in our weirdness.

We’ve only just started the Tweep Tour with Singapore, Korea, and Japan but, wow. I’ve sat down and interviewed dozens of Tweeps, and I repeatedly hear the words family, open, trust, and fun about working at Twitter. It is…

