Your little ones can’t name their colors?

I built a mobile app to help with that

Andrea Bizzotto
2 min readJan 2, 2017

Children learn things at a remarkable pace in their early years.

From language development to recognising shapes, counting and interacting with objects, their skills progress very quickly.

Learning colors may seem like an easy task, but the little ones may not find it so straightforward. And for good reason:

I believe that while they will always enjoy learning from colorful toys and books, a mobile app could be a great interactive tool to help them with this important stage of learning.

The app I created is made of a simple grid with eight different colors. When a tile is tapped, it expands to fill the whole screen and the app says the name of its color.

Learn Colors App Preview

For a preview with audio, click here.

Note that there are no menus or buttons with text in the app.

I made it so because the way we teach children is by pointing to things and talking to them from when they are born.

Indeed, as my two year old was already familiar with tapping on things on my phone to interact with them, she quickly understood how the app worked.

And now, she often comes to me saying “colors, colors” when she wants to play with it, so she is definitely enjoying the experience. Check this out.😀

I believe that this app can reinforce the experience of learning colors in kids, and I encourage you to try it out with yours.

You can download the app here:

If you have any feedback on how I can make this better, let me know in the comments!

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