Bizanc User Guide — Metamask (ETH/ERC20)

4 min readSep 13, 2019



Ethereum (ETH) Mainnet

1 Prerequisites

1.1 Metamask configuration

By clicking in Metamask button in the upper right corner of your browser (Firefox or Google Chrome)

Browser Metamask

you should see the screen with the fox, as shown below.

Metamask Intro

Next, you must set the password for access to Metamask installed in your browser.

Create Password

Then click on Create, and Accept the terms of use of Metamask.

Metamask Login

Okay, now you have Metamask installed and with a password to access your funds.

2 Using metamask (ETH)

2.1 Network Mainnet

Select the mainnet

Ethereum Network Selection

Then enter the newly created password at installation time

Login Metamask

You will be logged in on Metamask.

2.2 Account 1 — Metamask

Metamask account

According to the figure above we have:

  • Mainnet selected
  • Account 1, represented by public address 0x8036..be68
  • Transaction History

By clicking on the colored circle in the right corner above, you can manage your accounts, create or exit Metamask among other options.

Now you’re already in Metamask configured, and ready to use.

3 Deposit funds (ETH)

Note: metamask must be installed and logged in the mainnet network, otherwise go back to the Prerequisites tab.

On the Balances tab, clicking the Deposit button


You can view the following screen

Deposit screen

In it, it is possible to place the public key of the BIZ wallet to be credited, as well as the value and the desired asset.

Metamask Notification

When confirming the transaction, wait for the Ethereum network mining and the Bizanc network mining, as soon as the process completes, you should see the following result

Bizanc Balance

Now the wallet F8daWobD1O6bIcgS52tldY7b3sNLsoAdDxDJHIlyDPk= has 0.001 ETH.

4 Wildrawals funds (ETH):

Note: metamask must be installed and logged in the mainnet network, otherwise go back to the Prerequisites tab.

In url: Using wallet 4geCna67TGkdRCSd2iq9YPw76xoiNQvhWERW1natjLLb

Wallet Balance

Doing withdrawal to wallet on the ETH network 0x8036458d0105358a3d4c3a911991333e7ec5be68, with balance 1.981 ETH, confirm as indicated in the figure below.

Metamask Account 1

To make the ETH withdrawal click the button , in it you will need to place the public key of the Ethereum wallet and the amount you wish to withdraw.


Then, sign the transaction using the password.

At the end of the closures of the Bizanc and Ethereum blocks, we will have a result like this.

Wallet Balance

Your funds have already been credited to your wallet indicated on the ethereum mai network.

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Decentralized Finance is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to trade Bitcoin, Ether, ERC20 Tokens.