Problem with Bitcoin deposit ? — Guide to deposit BTC.

Bitcoin Troubleshooting

3 min readSep 15, 2019

If you are facing this problem, please continue to read this tutorial.

Watch this tutorial:


Follow the instructions below to deposit BTC correctly.

Let’s start, we have separate this section in 5 steps:

  • Step 1 — Export, Save transaction file and copy transaction hex to Console
  • Step 2 — Copy the key into payment section
  • Step 3 — Generate the correct hex transaction.
  • Step 4 — Sign the generated transaction
  • Step 5 — Broadcast the signed transaction

Step — 1

Into Electrum, click on preview.

Then, click on “Export” Button and save the transaction file.

Now, go to the transaction file, and open it, and copy the content of “hex”.

You need to copy with “”, see the example:

Now, go to Electrum console and type the follow instructions:

tx = “455054..……30900”

Step — 2

Click in “Send” button into your electrum, and copy the key.

Now, get back to Console and add the key variable

key = ““6a314….4548””

Step — 3

Now, copy and paste the follow code

tx2 = tx.replace(hex(int(len(key) / 2)+1).replace(‘0x’,’’)+hex(int(len(key) / 2)).replace(‘0x’,’’)+key, hex(int(len(key) / 2)).replace(‘0x’,’’)+key)

Step — 4

To sign transaction type:

tx3 = signtransaction(tx2)

Type the password and click in OK

Step — 5

Type “broadcast(tx3)” on console


You should receive a hash like this one “a2ce……bc59”

your deposit is done.




Decentralized Finance is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to trade Bitcoin, Ether, ERC20 Tokens.