Tutorial BIZANC-DEX — Buy & Sell

2 min readSep 16, 2019


Guide to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using BIZ.


Before reading this post we recommend the user understand why the BIZ cryptocurrency was created: https://medium.com/@bizanc/why-was-cryptocurrency-biz-created-52ee81ee4c55?sk=2949a5a8eb89b4736dbb3ea09e0ace8c

The platform calculates all cryptocurrency parities based on the BIZ. Therefore BIZ is the only cryptocurrency on the platform that parities with any other. All purchase must be made with BIZ. All sales may be made in any cryptocurrency except BIZ.

For example: If you want to trade USDT for NPXS you first have to trade USDT for BIZ and then you can trade BIZ for NXPS.

NOTE: The values ​​used below are hypothetical and merely illustrative.

Into Market: https://bizanc.io/market/

Select the BTC to pair with BIZ.


Buy BTC:

Step 1 — Select the amount to buy BTC at BIZ pricing, and Click in Buy.
Step 2 — Sign the transaction typing password.
Step 3 — Waiting for mining pool.

Sell BTC:

Select the amount to sell BTC at BIZ pricing, and Click in Sell.

Step 1 — Select the amount to sell BTC at BIZ pricing, and Click in Sell.

All the other steps are the same of Buy process.

Order Cancel:

Step 1— Select Open Orders, and choose the offer to be cancelled.

All the other steps are the same of Buy process.

Trade History:

Concluded Trades.

Thanks for reading.




Decentralized Finance is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to trade Bitcoin, Ether, ERC20 Tokens. https://bizanc.io