Aug 28, 2021


Updated 22 Oct. 2021. Enjoy the simple artworks.

My artwork, created using computer.

If you are interested in Art, please see my artworks (digitally created). I have high resolution images of the same. If you are interested you can buy them from me for your T Shirts, mugs and other prints. Please leave me a message.

updated on 22 Oct. 2021.

Lone date palm tree and the desert. Are they conversing that, you are not alone here, I am with you. True friendship in the vast wilderness? You can’t underestimate anyone or anything in the desert. Anything can crop up from nowhere and you will face it, then.
Lone date palm tree and the desert. Are they conversing that, you are not alone here, I am with you. True friendship in the vast wilderness? You can’t underestimate anyone or anything in the desert. Anything can crop up from nowhere and you will face it, then.
Lone date palm tree and the desert. Are they conversing that, you are not alone here, I am with you. True friendship in the vast wilderness? You can’t underestimate anyone or anything in the desert. Anything can crop up from nowhere and you will face it, then.
It is not aimed at one specific day’s business or commercial gain. It is a daily love and bonding between the family which means there is a father, a mother and children. How can you draw a triangle, rectangle or a trapezium, if you do not know or understand geometry. Similarly humanity today needs to reinvent what is the science of a family structure? What is the DNA of this whole affair called as a family which includes above members (father, mother and children and it goes back and forth).
It is not aimed at one specific day’s business or commercial gain. It is a daily love and bonding between the family which means there is a father, a mother and children. How can you draw a triangle, rectangle or a trapezium, if you do not know or understand geometry. Similarly humanity today needs to reinvent what is the science of a family structure? What is the DNA of this whole affair called as a family which includes above members (father, mother and children and it goes back and forth).
Joy of sharing. Human race has followed since ancient times, this value and we see quite often how communities raise up above their petty mentality and issues to show to the world, the real joy comes in the heartfelt feelings for members of humanity in our neighborhood or elsewhere around the world. Joy of sharing is more than enjoying by ourselves.
A simple useless meaningless mars prober, part of prestigious mars mission. I didn’t spend much for this, only time consuming; that’s it.
Coffee break for Football (Foot-ball)? Digital Art. Humour.
Coffee break for Football (Foot-ball)? Digital Art-Humor
A cat is hiding under the hat! Be careful….(humour)…Digital Art
Earth-Asteroid of football size-They are always on the news in the Science circles. But Allah is controlling everything and all things happen by His Supreme Will Only. Nothing will move and comes into existance without His Will and Command. So rest your trust and faith upon Allah.
Balancing act of life journey for all. A wise person is he or she who thinks right and makes proper preparations for the life after death while living on this earth, according to Almighty Allah’s Divine Laws. This one is not humour. This is the most critical issue related to our life and why we are here on this earth (purpose of our life).
Balancing act of life journey for all. A wise person is he or she who thinks right and makes proper preparations for the life after death while living on this earth, according to Almighty Allah’s Divine Laws. This one is not humour.
This mushroom like structure, I drew by computer, not for eating. It is like an umbrella (a stylish Beach umbrella for you. For girls it has ear rings). Near the seaside and also there is a golden sand breakwater. What more you want for your leisure travel.

Science Graduate, Student for ever. Learning Almighty Allah's knowledge, nature, art, Islam, Holy Qur'an, Holy Hadith, History, Economics, Geo Politics, etc