Prophet Adam-refuting the false story of man’s evolution from apes or monkeys

4 min readJun 17, 2021


Allah who created Adam -the first man, the father of all human race and the first Prophet of Allah on the earth was created by the Emperor of the Universe, Creator, God and Lord of all-Almighty Allah. There was no need for Allah to bring pencil and make it pen or vice versa or some such ridiculous stories. Was Allah not capable to create man when He created so many bigger things that are part of the Universe. You might have studied science, or commerce, or business and so many other things also. If a potter can bring clay and make a pot from clay soil in which people can store water and drink, they can use them for gardening of plants and so many other purposes. Who can claim that Allah can not do the same thing and create first man — Adam (peace be upon him) and there is no need for monkeys and robots to perform this feat by the Almighty Emperor of the Universe? There is a witness to this among genies (that is the leader of all genies once upon a time he was good pious servant of Allah and His and fake superiority became reason for his downfall). This genie is now Iblis (some people know him by the name Lucifer), who was a eye witness to the process and the story of Adam. He used to witness the whole process being in the paradise, how Allah fashioned Adam (peace be upon him) from the clay soil and put him in the heaven for certain time in a life less state. And how Allah commanded the leader of genies who was there in the paradise and also angels to bow before Adam’s lifeless structure made up of clay. Genies are created from Fire and mankind’s origin happened from earthly substances. The navel of men and women is proof of this, that Allah created first man not by evolution but in fact it was only Allah’s super power that was reason for fashioning Adam the first man in the right proportion (and we are not like monkeys or apes. Just because Elephant eats grass or coconut and sugarcane, they don’t become our ancestors, due to some similarities).

This genies’ leader attained the high position in the paradise due to his obedience and devotion to Allah — all in the past while he lived in the earth, but once he got to know about Allah’s plan of creation of Adam, he became jealous and started to boiling from within that a rival has arrived to him who will be the supreme creature in the whole of creation, as being Allah’s Khalifa or vicegerent on the earth, which was the status of Adam declared by Almighty Allah in front of the Angels in the paradise where all the great action was taking place and consequently we are here today on the earth, forgetful of Almighty Allah and the purpose of our life, what was the religion of our forefather Adam-peace be upon him and who were the Prophets of Allah and what did they bring for their people?

Now coming back to the topic, Iblis or the leader of genies had witnessed the things what were going on in the paradise with relation to the first man, Adam, how Allah fashioned him and created him and his wife. Being among the Angels, he was able to learn a great knowledge and hence he was capable of misusing the learning and deceiving Adam and his wife, once he got the opportunity to do so. So Allah expelled them from the paradise because in the first place, the matter was already settled when Allah declared the purpose of the creation of Adam which included sending him on the earth for His Mission. So there can’t be any mistake on Allah’s part. He has planned everything and Adam must have committed a mistake which must have resulted in the expulsion of him and his wife from the paradise and the culmination of their life on the earth and human race which we can see today, how vastly it has spread across the world. So once again, we can repeat that Iblis the Satan was the witness when the events were unfolding relating to Humanity’s journey from Paradise to earth and he did not see any money or ape. Some one among mankind who was not a witness lied to mankind and that was also a greatest part of fitna from Iblis. Because somebody must be incited whom Iblis inspires and makes as a great scientist, explorer or what ever. Why believe in the words of erring humans, when you have clear cut knowledge in the Holy Qur’an (Allah’s words) and the Sunnah which guide you away from Satan’s invitation for falsehood and creation of fake theories?

Therefore to know truth about Adam -pbuh, and the grave dangers from the theory of evolution are a must for all of mankind because we can’t negate the words of Almighty Emperor of the Universe and believe anyone who says contrary to it or negates it, when the truth is clear to us by any means.

Prophet Adam’s landing place in Srilanka Island on the top of a hill (above link of an external site consists the story of Adam as in Islam).




Science Graduate, Student for ever. Learning Almighty Allah's knowledge, nature, art, Islam, Holy Qur'an, Holy Hadith, History, Economics, Geo Politics, etc