11 min readJul 4, 2021


Humans today have made great progress in science and technology. But do you know that Allah has given knowledge to other animals, birds and even genies, that we don’t know? We lag behind greatly and we will never come up with them or perhaps overtake them. But there is one exception. That is where we excel over others. This knowledge is the most important one and above all knowledge given to others. The Emperor chose human race to be blessed with His Divine Knowledge. This was given through His chosen people, called as Prophets and Messengers, who were sent all over the world. The Emperor of the earth and the whole universe, Who is also the God, Lord and Creator of all people, sound and silence, light and darkness, that is the Only One God, Almighty Allah. This process was began when Allah sent the first Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and ended when Allah sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His Last Prophet. In between them, Allah sent thousands of Prophets through out the world where ever there lived a tribe or a group of people. The reason: Allah wanted to guide us because…..

Why? because He sent us here for our Test on this earth. Don’t you see how a car is taken for a test ride in a designated place by the factory. They will know what are the faults and about its performance in different terrains for which it’s manufactured. Also an air-conditioner is setup in a laboratory to undergo several steps of test after which they will either make it fit or unfit for placing in the market for the use of people. If they sell products without testing, their company will receive lot of customer complaints and the company has to recall lots of their products sold to customers. That shows how careless the company is. You might have heard about or if you are a car owner, might have received recall of your vehicle due to findings of faults after you have purchased the car and used it for several years. Anyway company will try to correct it and help you.

Allah knows us very well. There is no faults in His Creation, sun, moon, earth, stars etc. Oxygen has always 2 molecules and carbon dioxide has one carbon and two oxygen molecules. This is a standard structure from Almighty Allah. This formula existed even before thousands or millions of years, we don’t know, since Allah created the Universal System. Even before the scientists who told us in recent couple of centuries about physics, chemistry, biology etc. Everything was there but people were not having that much resources to go after the molecules of physical things. And in those times, there was no way they could have gone after those things of advanced knowledge.

Anyway, the purpose of the Test from Allah imposed upon men and women is to be fulfilled. Result is certain from Almighty Allah. There is no escape for anyone. It will be given on the Day of Judgement just after Allah will do the resurrection. This present life is after all a Test from Almighty Emperor Allah and the world is the Testing Site. We face daily so many situations. There are several influences and forces from within ourselves and externally, in the society, in a home, an office etc, which influence us and try to change our course of life. But Allah again and again reminds us about this Test and we must not leave His Guidance due to the above mentioned influences, we are undergoing in this Test. Allah has done this system deliberately. He wants to reward us or punish is on the Day of Judgement or Resurrection Day. If there is no resurrection and judgment, then all our efforts, our life has no meaning. God is not silly to do such a meaningless act. We are not kids. We know what is the seriousness of matters, for example, sitting for an exam of law, medicine, technology, science and so on. We take them seriously and study to attain the best merit. Then students don’t waste their time, if they are serious about their path and the goal. Only those people will take it lightly, who don’t know about the importance of these exams to those students who want to succeed in their endeavors and goals. I think, you can now clearly see why do Muslims follow Islamic Shariah laws? Why do Muslims have beard? Why do Muslim women wear Hijab, Veil, Burqa or whatever modest dress and also modest manners which do not contradict their modest dress. There is a God given soul to us and a body. At the same time, we recognize more than these two things, that Almighty Emperor has given us also His Divine Guidance. His Divine Books and Prophets are part of His Guidance or Islam. The name of the Guidance of the Emperor of the Universe and all people is same since ancient time, since Allah the Emperor sent His first Prophet and first man, Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) with his wife to dwell on the earth for this Test Period. He gave them Islam because they needed Guidance on the earth from the Emperor Almighty God Allah. There was no other God, no Jesus and other Prophets. Allah introduced Islam to Adam and Adam (pbuh) taught his wife and children about Allah’s Glorious Religion and Guidance. Don’t you introduce the Sun, Moon and Stars to your children and similarly a science teacher does this also to her students. So the question is, if all people try to know about the physical things, then why don’t they introduce the Divine Guidance of Allah and its methods, way of life, in their school / college curriculum, in the cities, and legislatures, courts and other places? This is a question of authority will have to answer before the Emperor (even if some one says, we don’t believe Allah nor are we required to believe Him, but seriously thinking, it will lead to recognize some one Who Is Extraordinarily and immensely powerful and dictate terms of your life, events in your life, death, which kind of death He will give to a person (by accident, a disease, pandemic, or a normal type of death), all these are determined by Him. Therefore, the commonsense we have requires the fact that we recognize Him what ever is His Name, respect Him and seek His Guidance and support for carrying out our life peacefully and without problems. Everyone prays inside his heart and they can’t deny this. Because Almighty Allah has informed in the Holy Qur’an, His Final Book, that Allah has imprinted His Knowledge (being He is the only God and having no partners) into the hearts of all of human beings. Contesting against Allah will have no good consequences because Allah will catch them anytime He wishes. In the Next world of Eternal life (after death), Allah will raise all people on the Judgment (Resurrection) Day to ask them why did they fail to observe His Guidance and why did they rebelled against Him on the earth? We don’t have answer today, if we do so. We will fail and nothing can save us, if we do not mend our path of life and we need to do it today and need to find the frequency of Allah’s Divine Guidance and adjust with that. OK. Thank you.

Almighty Emperor of the Universe, Almighty Allah has informed Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) all the small and major events and signs before the end of the world that will happen. We can read them in the Books of Hadith of Final Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). According to these signs, there will be great wars, plagues, difficulties for mankind and so on. Also there will be Masjids or Mosques built everywhere and people across the world, of different nationalities will become Muslims. Mosques will be built everywhere, because people need them. Today a person is not a Muslim, but tomorrow he might enter with his whole family into Islam. When Allah has allowed this to happen, is there any person on the earth prevent it from happening. They will try because they hate Allah and Islam. But ultimately, Emperor will succeed and not His servant, who is weak and can not withstand Allah’s Greatness. What do you see and think, when a big portion of the mountain or hill comes down, washing away all the things on its way and people like nothing more than leaves of the tree? What happens if a sinkhole can open in front and there is no chance to escape. Allah can do anything because people invite fighting with Allah, the Emperor of the Universe. People don’t have time to read all these things. Most people might consider, what is written here as rubbish or wastage. But if anyone thinks it as wastage, Allah will make him or her as wastage, if they fight against Allah, because He is having command over the earth, sun, moon, stars, hills, mountains, weather, seas, oceans and everything in the universe and including the unseen forces of physics and so on.

The whole attempt and endeavor behind my website is to provide people the purpose of life and tell them how people (most of humanity), it seems outwardly, not caring about what will happen if we did not see this Truth (of life as a Test from Allah). Muslims are not like other people. They have a great burden on their shoulders apart from their family life. That is the burden or great responsibility of taking care of Allah’s Guidance Islam and make it well understood by the people, to pass it the current generation of humanity and also it goes further in the future. We are not able to escape from this, just as it’s impossible to escape death from Almighty Allah. Death will be painful for people who do not care for Allah’s imposed duties. Don’t you see how many women flagrantly, boldly refuse to wear modest dress and flaunt their wealth of all sorts on the streets and in front of the people. This is not a challenge to Islam or Muslims but actually they challenge the Emperor of the Universe. They challenge and oppose by joining hands with the people who don’t care for their questioning by Allah on the Day of Resurrection or Judgement Day.

Death is a time when people will be separated from their beloved ones. Because these relationships matter us most when we forget our Greatest Relationship with our Creator Almighty Allah. We must given first priority to our relationship with our Creator Almighty Allah. Because He gives us food, water, air, oxygen, money etc which are not created by anyone else, other than Allah alone Who is the Emperor of the Universe.

Don’t be ashamed to call Allah as your Lord and Creator because the whole Empire belongs to Him only. Can you bring one single entity to claim any authority over you except Him. People say Jesus (peace be upon him) has immense power etc. Call Jesus now and see if he can hear you. Jesus himself was born with flesh and blood like us, like Moosa or Moses (pbuh). Allah will ask Jesus on the Day of Resurrection/Judgement, what people have been telling on the earth was true? For this Jesus will make the point clear (Allah knows what Jesus did and Allah wants to make Jesus clean from the falsehood people spread in the name of Jesus, in their earthly life). And look how much hatred they have against Muslims for telling this truth which has come to mankind from Almighty Allah as given in the Holy Qur’an (Final Book of Allah). So this is a challenge for the people who are throwing all sorts of falsehood against Jesus and His Creator that they have told such and such things, which are not actually the guidance with which Almighty God sent Jesus. Because if you drive your glance around and see, Jesus had many relatives in his ancestry who were Prophets of Allah. Yahya or John was a Prophet of Allah and cousin of Jesus, who lived during his time. Family tree of the mother of Jesus can show you many Prophets from Allah. Read about Prophet Zakariyya and Yahya (peace be upon both of them) and see what the people did to them.

So you must be wondering by now, how many trillions of dollars worth money and resources have been spent for the last two thousand years to paint Allah’s Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in a very bad image before God and the world, who do not believe in such outrageous claims of those people who portray Jesus different from what is told by God Almighty Allah and also people in general are utterly find their claims unbelievable by any standards such as any person on the earth becoming a father, son, daughter, wife, cousin etc to God Almighty! It is against the system of humanity. What happens if someone puts stones into your digestive system. You just can’t digest them because it’s beyond your capability and against your life system. So similarly, human brain and heart must have to reject the things people say against God Almighty Allah and highlight humans as something having partnership in the Godhood and they can force or influence God to change certain decisions He has made. Nobody is given power by Allah to share in His Decision Making and Godhood. He alone created all and He alone manages the affairs of all people. All are His servants, either they have been living as obedient or disobedient.

Do you know that the Genies (Jinns) whom Allah created by Fire know the languages without going to any language institute? (Note: Jinns-there are believing jinns called as Muslims and disbelieving jinns are part of devils or shaitan/satan, who harm people which are used in the black-magic by evil people whom Allah will put in the Hell Fire. Muslim jinns or genies pray five times and believe in Qur’an and its commands, like Muslims do). You might have seen, someone possessed by them, speaking or answering (your questions) in any language you speak. For them, it’s given by God Almighty Allah. Also, one question we can ask is, how do the crows recognize (their family, parents, spouse, young ones etc) among a group of other crows, sitting on a tree or elsewhere? Similar for doves and parrots. So Allah has created them with the knowledge that makes them to recognize their family but we fail to see any differences among a group of crows or parrots. The birds come back to their native places without any GPS but our GPS system sometime causes us to lose the way, or end up in a river or a desert, instead of reaching the proper destination.

A duck need not teach its young ones how to swim because Allah has given them knowledge to do as required. Here it is easier for you to understand the Qur’anic (Islamic) point of “Test from Allah” which is nothing but our life. Once a person gets the intellectual power to distinguish between bad and good, evil and virtue, Allah will appoint for the reward and punishment for his/her acts starting from this stage (and not from his or her preceding span of life). The young ones of humans do not start speaking immediately after birth nor do they use their limbs, just as the birds can do easily and quickly. We need to get directions and training for everything from our parents. Allah gave us training through His Prophets and Holy Books, because it is human race who are under TEST of Life on this earth from Almighty Allah and not the animals or birds. Another species is Genies who are also under test from Allah and on the Day of Judgement, they will be gathered along with humans, animals, angels on flat earth for giving the REPORT CARD or RESULT of our Test on this Earth, conducted by Almighty Allah. On that Day people will be able to see genies and also Allah. Genies are special creatures created by Allah from a special fire (smokeless) and kept unseen according to the command of Allah. They have given power to see us but we aren’t. Reverse of this will be the situation on the Day of Judgement.

Knowledge is vast and unfathomable. So we can write days and nights but it will not finish. I have to write also about many topics so I am unable to write about so many things here. Anyway I will mention some more points on this subject later, Insha Allah.




Science Graduate, Student for ever. Learning Almighty Allah's knowledge, nature, art, Islam, Holy Qur'an, Holy Hadith, History, Economics, Geo Politics, etc