Why is belief in Final Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) a critical requirement?

6 min readAug 10, 2021


Journey of Prophethood: From the First Prophet to the Last Prophet of Almighty God Allah. Here is the Concept of Islam. A must read for all if you want to know about who is the Final Messenger of Almighty God Allah? What does Islam say about Him?

Adam -the First man and First Prophet sent by Almighty Lord Allah. Peace be upon him

Noah came after Adam (Prophet during the Great Flood or Deluge). Peace be upon him

Ibrahim or Abraham. Peace be upon him

Ismael-Son of Ibrahim. Peace be upon him

Ishaq-Son of Ibrahim. Peace be upon him

Yaqub or Jacob. Grandson of Ibrahim. Peace be upon him

Daoud or David. Peace be upon him

Sulaiman or Solomon, son of Daoud. Peace be upon him

Moosa or Moses. Peace be upon him

Yahya or John-cousin of Jesus. Peace be upon him

Eisa or Jesus- son of Maryam. Peace be upon both.

##Muhammed- The Final Prophet. Peace be upon him.

##Who is Allah? He is the Sovereign Lord, God, Creator and the Only Emperor of all the Universe, the seen and hidden things in it and also which were there before today and that will come or be created in future.

Here is the critical question is: If people deny that Prophet Muhammed is not the final Prophet of Allah, Almighty God of all, then ##who is the Final Prophet? This question may not seem important today to people of today but after death, this will be a very critical issue because Angels will question the dead person about Prophet Muhammed (pbuh), what did you believe about him?

Then again, the same question: Who is the Final Prophet? Is it ##John or Jesus? If it is not Jesus and it is John or vice versa, then where is the scripture supporting this belief? Therefore, those who deny that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was not a Prophet and hence he can not be the final Prophet as well, then by logic and view point of justice demands that these people should prove what is the name of Final Prophet of God. They must read and search their Holy Scriptures revealed before the Holy Qur’an from Allah Almighty God of all.

If we remove the First Prophet Adam’s name from the list of Prophets of Allah Almighty, people will surely know and ask how come you missed out the name of Prophet Adam? Are you cheating us, they will ask? Therefore people will fail in the case of last Prophet’s name also because we can not wrongly identify another Prophet as the Final Prophet, instead of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) because it is from Allah’s Command and Plan that Muhammed and all other Prophets of Allah were sent for the guidance of Islam (Approved religion of Almighty Emperor, God and Creator Allah) to the people. Allah’s words (Holy Qur’an) are final Verdict and Judgement to provide proof for the Truth of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) being Allah’s Prophet and also the Final Prophet sent by Allah. And there is no compulsion to anyone to believe Islam and its concept, that is why we Muslims are only about 1/6th (one sixth) of the total world population. This is an estimate only. This means one in six is a Muslim person. So what? A person will believe in Islam or become a Muslim only when Allah chooses Him. For example there are too many people playing football or Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey etc. But not all people become leading players or make it to the internationally recognized players. Only a few are chosen due to their capabilities and performance and scope for future development in the game. This is the matter of the people who will choose or select according to their criteria. But in the matter of Islam and becoming a Muslim, Allah looks into your hearts. Do you feel something good for Allah, Prophet Muhammed, Holy Qur’an etc. Are you interested in becoming a Muslim? All such matters are the burning desires in your heart, to reach towards Allah and Allah will respond appropriately by Guiding a person unto His Own Path (Islam) by providing him or her, His Guidance by various means. It might happen that you will meet a person who will provide you with proper guidance about Islam, you happen to speak to him and discuss with him or her etc. Or there might be some good dream like a noble, saintly person appearing in your dreams and commanding you to accept Islam. Or you might start seeing in your dreams, mosque like structures etc. Same time, a person can see dreams such as some evil person trying to harm them (this might be because of the devil who is trying to frighten you, forcing you not to accept Islam or Guidance of Almighty Allah). A person must sleep in the night with either reciting or hearing <Ayat Al Kursi> (The Verse of Throne), if he or she does not know how to read Arabic Qur’an. I will give you YouTube link for the video of this verse of the Holy Qur’an. Please wait a moment. Insha Allah (By the will of Allah only it can happen).


The basic concept of Allah’s Religion was the same, Oneness (Tawhid) of God, Prophethood or Mission of Prophets on behalf of Almighty Allah, and the belief of (Aakhira), the Resurrection Day as well as the life continues after death, in a form that is different from this world and shape. There will be resurrection of all people and the Judgement will take place. All people will be gathered by Almighty Allah on the day of resurrection. They will be gathered by Allah’s command in a new world order where the sun will be there and the new world will have a flat level ground. People will be started gathering from the focal point (where the Holy Kaaba, the first house for worship of Allah Almighty) is there in the Holy City of Makkah, Arabia. Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) was sent for all the people until the end of the world. He is also the Leader of all Prophets, mankind, genies and all the universe. In the creation, Muhammed is given highest place by Allah, the Creator of all.

The rules and regulations were different during the time of different Prophets as the people required to live properly in accordance with Allah’s Guidance and a proper life style was required to lead a life approved by the King of Kings, Emperor of the Universe. Allah provided this through Islam, His Approved Religion by sending various Prophets and Messengers at different times and to various tribes and generations of people in different parts of the world. Some Prominent Prophets were given Holy Scriptures. Prophet Daoud (David), Prophet Moosa (Moses/Moshe), Prophet Eisa (Jesus/Yesu) and Final Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon all the Prophets of Allah) received Zaboor (Psalms), Torah, Injeel (Gospel) and Qur’an, respectively. Prophets and Messengers of Allah will be witnesses on the Day of Resurrection, that they had conveyed Allah’s Divine Message and Guidance, but the fault lies with the people who denied them. And they will have no support from anyone when Allah will punish them for their denial of Truth on the Day of Judgement.

In Zaboor of Psalms of Daoud or David, Torah of Moosa or Moses, Injeel or Gospel of Eisa or Jesus and Qur’an given to Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon the Prophets of Allah), you will not find one sentence where Almighty says there is one more God other than Himself or there is a partner in His Godhood. Instead Allah commanded all people to worship Only Him and give up all paganism and superstitious acts and fear of created things. His Command was to worship Him alone, seek Help from Him alone and not to sacrifice in the name of anyone other than Him.

Anything that is not according to His Command and Guidance shall never be accepted and the person will be sinner if he or she does it and anyone commanding to do all the above sins against God Almighty Allah and other sinful acts (because of beliefs and culture) and practices will be doomed on the Day of Judgement. One who commands towards wrong deeds against Almighty Allah’s Guidance shall suffer and receive God’s punishment if he or she did not repent and seek Allah Almighty’s guidance and forgiveness in this world.




Science Graduate, Student for ever. Learning Almighty Allah's knowledge, nature, art, Islam, Holy Qur'an, Holy Hadith, History, Economics, Geo Politics, etc