Being Homeless Multiple TimesWhile Starting a Business Was The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me…Here’s Why

4 min readJan 9, 2020

By: Johnny Cowboy

I can remember the day I quit my day job to become a full-time entrepreneur.

I was knocking on doors 12 hours a day in temperatures that were negative zero.

This was back in 2014 and I would say it was one of the scariest decisions I have ever made in my life.


Because I knew once I quit this job, I would never work a 9–5 again…and this is where my hell started.

I spent the next 6 months living in my car spending all of my time learning how to build a business from scratch and where to find the capital to get my idea off the ground.

At the time I was in the mobile app space, and the worst thing about this was:

  • I was not a software developer
  • I didn’t have ANY connections within the software development space
  • I had very little money to live off of… and many more issues just to name a few

Months later a friend of mine invited me to come live with him and 13 of his roommates. Yep, you read that correctly… 13 freaking roommates.




Welcome to my page. My name is John aka Johnny Cowboy. I'm a serial entrepreneur on a mission to help ALL aspiring entrepreneurs succeed using my knowledge.