Elon Musk’s Project Dojo Explained: How To Invest

Mark Charles
8 min readJan 29, 2024

Eric Wade, a prominent figure in the investment space, has recently delivered a compelling pitch on Elon Musk’s Project Dojo, a groundbreaking development that has the potential to transform industries and create a new generation of millionaires.

The pitch delves into the potentially transformative impact of the project on industries and the creation of new millionaires.

This article explores the key highlights of Wade’s pitch, shedding light on the technological convergence and financial opportunities associated with “Project Dojo.”

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Key Takeaways

  • Eric Wade’s pitch on Elon Musk’s “Project Dojo” emphasizes its potential to be a groundbreaking development, transforming industries and creating opportunities for substantial financial gains.
  • The core of “Project Dojo” lies in the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), electric vehicles (EVs), and driverless vehicles. This convergence is presented as a significant force that could revolutionize transportation, impact various industries, and bring about massive economic shifts.
  • Subscribers to the Stansberry Innovations Report gain access to several special reports, each dedicated to a specific investment theme, including “The Best Way to Profit from the EV Revolution,” “My №1 AI Stock For 2024,” and “The Critical Driverless Technology You Must Own.”
  • The Stansberry Innovations Report operates as a subscription service, priced at a special discounted rate of $49 for a full year, and comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • VERDICT: While Eric Wade’s pitch on “Project Dojo” is captivating and aligns with broader tech industry trends, investors must exercise caution. Prudent investing requires careful consideration of risks, thorough research, and consultation with financial professionals. The potential impacts of emerging technologies, such as “Project Dojo,” should be evaluated with a critical eye, considering the uncertainties associated with revolutionary developments.

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Elon Musk, often known for his groundbreaking projects like Tesla, Starlink, and Neuralink, has set his sights on a new horizon with “Project Dojo.”

According to Wade, this initiative unveiled a few years ago, has the potential to outshine all of Musk’s previous ventures combined. The critical turning point came on August 28, 2023, when Musk switched on “Project Dojo” after four years of intensive development, causing such a surge in power that it tripped the grid.

Wade emphasizes the gravity of Musk’s commitment, backing “Project Dojo” with a whopping $1 billion. Morgan Stanley projects that this technology could catapult Tesla’s market value by up to $500 billion in the next twelve months, triggering an 80% surge in Tesla’s stock. However, Wade asserts that “Project Dojo” goes beyond Tesla, touching various facets of society.

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), electric vehicles (EVs), and driverless vehicles forms the core of “Project Dojo.”

Wade argues that this convergence will be more significant than the Internet and crypto revolutions combined. He draws parallels to his experiences with early internet investments and cryptocurrency, where he claims to have made substantial gains.

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The potential impacts of “Project Dojo” are outlined in a series of bold predictions:

  • Massive Job Creation and Disruption: Tens of thousands of jobs will be created, but simultaneously, tens of millions could be at risk.
  • Economic Shifts: Industries like oil, real estate, hospitality, energy, healthcare, and auto manufacturing are poised for radical changes.
  • Financial Opportunities: Wade suggests that those who position themselves before March 15, 2024, could secure significant financial gains, potentially enough to secure family financial freedom.
  • AI and EV Revolution: The convergence of AI and EVs, coupled with driverless vehicles, is presented as a technological trifecta that will revolutionize transportation, reduce accidents, and significantly impact daily life.

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Wade supports his claims with past successes, showcasing 24 trades that soared by as much as 1,000% in the crypto space. He asserts that understanding convergences like “Project Dojo” offers opportunities to multiply investments.

The convergence of AI, EVs, and driverless vehicles, according to Wade, is the linchpin of a $30 trillion revolution, and Musk’s project could be the spark that ignites it all.

In conclusion, Wade’s analysis presents “Project Dojo” as a seismic force in the tech world, offering potential windfalls for those who position themselves strategically.

Who is Eric Wade?

Eric Wade is the editor of Stansberry Innovations Report, Crypto Capital, and Crypto Cashflow, three investment advisories focused on identifying opportunities in the cryptocurrency space.

He possesses a unique strategy for navigating the cryptocurrency market. Eric started his career as an internet entrepreneur and investor, engaging in stock picking and trading futures contracts during college. His financial expertise led him to become a certified financial manager at a major American retail brokerage.

One notable achievement in Eric’s entrepreneurial journey was selling the internet domain of his nickname, Wallstreet.com, for over $1 million. This accomplishment earned him recognition as a “Savvy Entrepreneur” by PR WEEK Magazine.

Eric has made various appearances on TV, internet, and print media, sharing forward-looking ideas. Beyond his financial pursuits, he has been involved in angel investing, movie script writing, and founding a family business with both local and international recognition.

Eric’s foray into the cryptocurrency space began with Bitcoin mining, later expanding to Ethereum. He even taught himself how to build and program his own miners. His research focuses on the transformative potential of blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies. Eric takes pride in the fact that his research has contributed to creating millionaires and positively impacting people’s lives.

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How to invest in “Project Dojo”

Eric Wade lays out a clear roadmap for you to seize the opportunities presented by Elon Musk’s “Project Dojo” and the imminent fast-tracking of self-driving cars.

He underscores the potential game-changing nature of “Project Dojo,” Musk’s purpose-built supercomputer tailored for training autonomous vehicles.

1. Buy Waymo (Alphabet/Google Stock)

Wade recommends investing in Waymo, a pioneer in autonomous vehicles, by purchasing shares of Alphabet (GOOGL), which owns 100% of Waymo. Despite the long-term nature of Alphabet as an investment, he suggests that smaller companies in the field may offer quicker returns.

2. Own the Critical Technology of Electric Vehicles

Investors are advised to focus on the convergence of critical technologies driving the electric vehicle (EV) revolution. Wade teases an investment opportunity related to EV technology, promising details, including the name, ticker symbol, and buying instructions, in his report titled “The Best Way to Profit from the EV Revolution.”

3. Own the Most Important Technology in Artificial Intelligence

Highlighting the significance of artificial intelligence (AI) in the driverless technology space, Wade introduces an under-the-radar AI stock with potential for substantial gains. He maintains suspense by reserving the name, ticker symbol, and buying instructions for this stock in his report titled “My №1 AI Stock for 2024.”

4. Buy the Stock at the Center of the Autonomous Vehicle Revolution

Wade asserts that the autonomous vehicle revolution is ongoing, and investors should focus on the technology essential for the operation of driverless cars — 5G. He introduces a specific stock related to 5G technology critical for enabling autonomous vehicles to navigate safely. Details are held within the report named “The Critical Driverless Technology You Must Own.”

5. Sign Up for the Stansberry Innovations Report

The final step encourages investors to sign up for the Stansberry Innovations Report, to access these reports, and stay informed about emerging trends, investment opportunities, and further insights from Eric Wade.

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How does the Stansberry Innovations Report work?

The Stansberry Innovations Report operates as a comprehensive subscription service, offering subscribers access to valuable insights, recommendations, and special reports focused on the evolving landscape of technology, cryptocurrencies, and innovation.

Here’s what you get:

1. Special Reports:

Subscribers receive several special reports, each dedicated to a specific investment theme:

  • “The Best Way to Profit from the EV Revolution”: Focuses on investing in the electric vehicle sector and reveals a stock’s name, ticker symbol, and entry instructions.
  • “My №1 AI Stock For 2024”: Highlights an AI stock positioned for significant growth, with details on partnerships and opportunities.
  • “The Critical Driverless Technology You Must Own”: Explores the importance of 5G in autonomous vehicles and identifies a company leading in the 5G market.

2. Bonus Reports:

Subscribers also receive a bonus report titled “The FedNow Investor Playbook,” addressing significant changes in the financial landscape involving the Federal Reserve and major U.S. banks.

3. Special Updates & Alerts:

Throughout the month, subscribers receive special updates and alerts from Eric Wade and his team. These communications guide subscribers on when to take action, make changes to their portfolio, or provide information on urgent developments in the tech markets.

4. Complete Archive Access:

Subscribers gain access to the complete archive of Stansberry Innovations Report issues and special reports, offering a wealth of knowledge from a team of tech experts.

5. Stansberry Digest:

As an additional benefit, subscribers receive the Stansberry Digest, a daily market news report providing insights on major financial stories, threats, opportunities, patterns, and trends.

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Subscription and Refund Policy

The Stansberry Innovations Report is offered at a special discounted price of $49 for a full year, providing subscribers with a 75% discount from the regular cost of $199.

The subscription comes with a 30-day, 100% Money-Back Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

If a subscriber is unhappy with the Stansberry Innovations Report for any reason within the first 30 days, they can contact the Maryland-based Member Service team at (888) 261–2693 to request a full refund. The refund is issued promptly and without any questions asked.

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Elon Musk Project Dojo Verdict

Eric Wade’s pitch for Elon Musk’s “Project Dojo” is undoubtedly captivating, promising investors the opportunity to ride the wave of a technological revolution that could rival the significance of the internet and cryptocurrencies.

Wade’s emphasis on the convergence of AI, electric vehicles, and driverless technology aligns with broader trends in the tech industry. The identified investment opportunities, such as Waymo and key AI technology stocks, offer a specific path for investors to explore.

Nevertheless, it’s essential for individuals to conduct their research, consider potential risks, and consult with financial professionals before making any investment decisions.

Investors should be cautious of promises that sound too good to be true. The projected impacts on industries, job markets, and financial markets should be viewed with a critical eye, considering the inherent uncertainties associated with emerging technologies.

While “Project Dojo” may indeed be a significant initiative, prudent investing requires a well-rounded understanding of the market dynamics and careful consideration of potential risks and rewards.

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Mark Charles

Full time SEO & Digital Marketing since 2010. Owner of several websites. I write content on stock predictions, newsletters and online business.