How Real Estate Industry Benefit From Data Analytics

BizzmanWeb -Singapore
3 min readApr 30, 2020
Data Analytics in Real Estate

Data analytics has been widely used in the real estated industry as it helps realtors to make profitable decisions and minimize risks. The advanced technology helps realtors to improve operations, boost revenues, upgrade customer support and optimize meeting campaigns. This blog discusses how it benefits the real estate industry.

The Ways Data Analytics Benefit Real Industry

Here are the major benefits:

  1. Location

With data analytics, you get an insight into the latest trends in the industry and can assess the profitability of locations depending on ratings, traffic, occupancy, rental income and ROI. This keeps you ahead of your competitors and saves time while searching rental properties.

2. Price

Price optimization is necessary to make money in this industry. As a realtor, you always need to make the most profitable decisions. Pricing is not only restricted buying and selling properties but to other aspects such as rental data, rates, taxes and statistics.

3. Appraisals

Before buying or selling any property, it is important to get an appraisal. Real estate data analytics always displays a good deal of precise information regarding sales for different properties in the same location. The investment property analysis makes it simple for an evaluator to give proper price estimations to real estate investors immediately.

4. Insight into Consumer Trends

The commercial real estate industry is larger and more complicated than the residential one. Thus, you need to have in-depth analytics on consumer trends to invest successfully in commercial property. Investors need to be aware of what consumers are truly looking for, the big competitors in this industry, the intensity of demand for a shopping mall, parents’ lookout for new schools for their children and shortage of eateries in a particular area. When you use data analytics, you get answers to all queries related to the real estate industry and make the most favourable decision as an investor.

5. Studying Competition

To move ahead in any industry, you need to know where your competitors stand. With data analytics, you can review the success of your competitors. You can find out which company is selling the most, who is considered the most reliable, what customer ratings each of them have and the kind of marketing strategies they use. Being an investor, you can use this advanced technology to calculate profits, accurate sales figures and check customer reviews to assess your own achievements.

6. Targeting Tenants

You can easily predict who can be tenants in the near future, if there is a continuous demand for rental units in nearby areas, if your property has tenants in the long years and how the composition of tenants may change. The prediction helps you in deciding the target group to focus on. Data analysis always makes it easy for an investor to advertise effectively for their target audience.

The Bottom Line

Real estate markets are quite volatile and constantly changing. Thus, you need to use data analytics to make wise investment decisions and increase your return on investment. By using this advanced technology, you can precisely decide when and where to invest along with the value of properties by considering metrics such as market cycle risks, desirability analytics and price forecasts.



BizzmanWeb -Singapore

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