‘What I Wish I Had Known Prior To Becoming a Published Author’

Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley
7 min readSep 11, 2019
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Many writers dream of being published. But what is being a published author really like? Is it fabulous? Highly pressured and stressful? Or is it something in-between?

Considering the range of possible experiences, I wanted to find out what authors wish they had known prior to becoming a published author to juxtapose with the reality of being a published author.

I asked traditionally published and self-published authors the following question:

What is the most important thing you wish you had known prior to becoming a published author?

Here’s what each had to say.

Cheryl Leutjen, author of Love Earth Now

Book marketing can be a lonely business. It’s a lot like motherhood, in my opinion. You may think you’re in this new endeavor with a partner, supported by friends or family. You’ve read books, listened to podcasts and absorbed the wisdom of a myriad of experts. Then you find yourself at 3 a.m., quite alone with this mysterious and magical creature you’ve birthed into this world — and at an utter loss to know how to care for it.

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Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” | BJBuckley.com | LittleVisioneers.com