Fake News: Mermaids are Real

4 min readOct 19, 2022



Mermaids are referred to as half humans and half fish with top that looks like a woman and the bottom looks like a fish. Over centuries, mermaids and merman are said to be myths and have been in movies, shows and stories. Throughout history, there are people who strongly believe that they have seen mermaids in the ocean. There has been a picture of a creature called a mermaid circling the internet. The fake news said it was found in St. Peterburg Florida in September 15,2022. It was first brought out to the open by a curious individual in August 2006. This person had sent a picture to snoop.com showing a creature referring to it as a mermaid.

This one of the Sculptures that the artist Juan Cabana made to auction on the internet.

Research Results

They said it was found in Venda, South Africa. When I first saw this picture, it seemed real like there are creatures out there that human beings do not know about, but when I took a closer look at the picture and did some research, I realized it was just another fake mermaid story. When I did the research, I found an artist by the name of Juan Cabana. He creates these carvings or figures that look like unusual creatures that are not from this world. Mr. Juan would go to different auction sites to sell these pictures and tell a very dishonest story that people have come close to these creatures and that is how he got hold of these pictures.


This is one of the videos where it was digitally altered, or they had someone pretend and dress as if they were a creature to make it look real. They said it was taken in Kenya, Africa. This is what people do on social media. Mr. Cabana would put the bones and fleshes of different kind of fishes and people would think it is a real mermaid, he would sell his work on eBay, and his customers would start to wish that they would be the ones who found these ‘so called creatures.

There are also stories about Cristopher Columbus claiming that he saw mermaids in the 1940’s sailing near the Dominican Republic oceans. He claims that they were very ugly and did not look like what they showed on the tv and in stories, but it has come to knowledge that he had just seen mammals in the ocean. According to the Author of National Ocean services, “there are no real evidence of aquatic humanoids that have ever been found and they are a myth”. I always thought there was an underground world in the oceans but according to NOAA’s information, “there is no existing under world in the oceans”.

When we do research and look at the facts, mermaids are just myths. There are no researchers or scientists that have ever said that there is proof that those creatures are in the ocean. Occasionally, there are pictures circling the internet showing false information of mermaid bodies or some creatures on land. It is a scam to get people excited about false news and rob them of their monies; this is called disinformation. It has been proven that these pictures are sculptures of different animal parts from monkeys and fishes. People should be careful of internet schemes and do more research so they would not have to waste their money or their time on false information.

Work Cited

Mikkelson, David. “Was a Mermaid Discovered in St. Petersburg, Florida?” Snopes.com, 22 Jan. 2021, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mermaid-inflorida/.

Goggin , Peter. “Mermaids Aren’t Real — but They’ve Fascinated People around the World for Ages.” The Conversation, 13 Sept. 2022, https://theconversation.com/mermaids-arent-real-but-theyve-fascinatedpeople-around-the-world-for-ages-150518.

Kdodd. “Was a Mermaid Discovered in St. Petersburg, Florida?” Medium, Medium, 22 Oct. 2021, https://medium.com/@kdodd_94424/was-amermaid-discovered-in-st-petersburg-florida-9d7fc11be1c3

Evon, Dan. “Does Video Show a Mermaid Found in Kenya?” Snopes.com, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mermaid-found-in-kenya/.

