Modernizing the NYC Subway System

Bo Jiang
3 min readJun 28, 2020


A Rapid Prototype

The Ask

The NYC metrocard system has remained unchanged for decades. The cost of the metrocard machine infrastructure, the lost time of waiting in line to buy a metrocard, touching a dirty machine to do it, the potential of losing the metrocard, and the ease of gaming the system by swiping your card for others has cost the city millions of dollars and leaves much to be desired from the user experience.

Design a new system that allows a daily user who uses the metro everyday or an-out-of-town visitor who will use the metro just once to get access to the metro, on time, without having a physical NYC metrocard on hand.

World Has Changed

With the ongoing pandemic across the world. The NYC subway system had taken a huge hit. As the city begins to reopen, new measures needs to be considered in order to combat Covid-19. This is an opportunity for the new platform and can be disastrous if not addressed properly.


  1. People are hesitant to touch surfaces due to Covid-19
  2. The MTA machines aren’t reliable as they often break, don’t accept cash, or have various card reading problems.
  3. Information on the subway related apps aren’t reliable enough.

Key Strategy

The primary goal is to utilize what already exists. MTA recently launched NFC scanning capabilities at selected stations with more to be added. However limited the feature currently is, it will be the future of the public transit system. With MTA’s current financial situation, it will be unwise to reinvent the wheel.

The key strategy is to first address the contact free experience with the expanded utilization of NFC through native features like Apple Wallet. Then letting the users manage multiple metrocards for different occasions on the application.

The Solution

Make searching for directions easier.
Managing multiple metrocards that displays balance details.
Swipe left function to quickly refill balance or edit card preferences.

Future Iterations

With the very limited amount of time spent on the design challenge. There are many ways the app can be improved.

  1. Adding synchronicity between all forms of MTA operated transportation.
  2. Adding detailed scheduling system that’s co-reliant on location services.
  3. Enabling auto re-new feature for monthly subscription users.



Bo Jiang

I’m a product designer with 8 years of multi-disciplinary Graphic Design experience across multiple industries.