Why Every Man Should Learn How To Fight (And The 3 Martial Arts You Should Practice)

Bjorn Bond
6 min readSep 5, 2022

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” — Theodore Roosevelt

I’m going to get straight to the point. If you learn how to fight, and I mean properly learn how to fight, you’ll always be carrying a big stick.

The way you carry yourself, your demeanor, how you exert your presence on the space around you… all these things will change… and for the better.

I’ve got around 5 years worth of martial arts experience now, and the person I am today isn’t even comparable to the person I was 5 years ago.

My confidence has gone through the roof and the idea of getting into a fight doesn’t scare me like it used to.

If I had one wish in this world, I would make it so every man practiced the martial arts I’ll talk about in this article.

So… why should you bother learning how to fight?

I remember hearing Jocko Willink say something quite profound on his podcast once. To paraphrase, he said:

“If you don’t like fighting, you should learn how to fight.”

The type of people to pick fights with you when you’re out and about, tend to be the bully type.

