Focusing on focus

The year that was, and the year to come

Bjørn Ihler
3 min readJan 2, 2019

In 2018 I worked on four continents. I dined with royalty. I contributed with recommendations and advice and helped develop policy at the highest levels from local and national governments to the EU, ASEAN and the UN. I contributed to reports and publications — consulting for some of the leading think tanks and organisations in the field of peacebuilding, human rights, countering extremism and international relations. I contributed to the founding of networks and organisations working for freedom and rights. I met some of the greatest, most inspiring human rights defenders in the world, and I am honoured to call them mentors and friends. I did a lot.

I spent some time in Paris this year — that was cool!

As we leap into 2019 it’s worth reflecting on the year that has passed, on all the years that have passed, to celebrate accomplishments and learn from failures.

I did a lot in 2018 — however, I think some of my greatest accomplishments of the year came after I returned home at the end of November to spend some time quietly contemplating in the woods. I read fiction, played games, things I don’t normally have felt I had the time to do. I wrote, I thought about the past and about the…



Bjørn Ihler

Fighting extremism & doing tech. Co-founder of the Khalifa Ihler Institute & Glitterpill LLC. Obama Foundation & Kofi Annan Foundation Leader. Advisor to many.