My Diary

2 min readMar 19, 2023


Part 1

Dear Diary,

I’m so excited! Tomorrow mom is taking me over to the beach! Mom never lets us go! Plus it was all just because I got A+ on my Math! Math is so hard! But, the best part about going to the park is that Sarah,Zarah,Farah, And Mohammed can’t come! Maryam is coming because she did well in english! It is gonna be a blast! I have to go now, Mom is calling me for dinner!

I’m Back! I think I should start packing because we are going early in the morning so that Sarah,Zarah,Farah, Summaya, Khadija, Sauda, Aisha, Ibrahim, Saad And Mohammed won’t know (they probably won’t be awake!). Should I wear this black dress with flowers? Or the blue one with hearts? I think I’ll wear one and pack the other one. I obvs need sandals! I have to go to sleep now!

Dear Diary,

I have to go now, mom said I can’t take you with me. :(

But I’ll update you when I come back home! I’m home! It was a blast! The only thing is Khadija is Hurt!! She is very focused on studies and now she can’t go on monday. I am taking advanced art 🖼️ classes. I AM VERY GOOD IN ART! Not to brag tho.I have to do homework because tomorrow we have to go to the hospital for Khadija, so not much time then. ” Anyways, I’m not allowed to go for ICE CREAM!! EVEN though I’m the one who had the IDEA!! I love Ice Cream! But I’m missing out!Someone is calling me, wait please. Mom said I have to go to sleep, tomorrow is friday….. Mom is taking the family for ice cream! WELL, I can do my stuff! The stuff I can’t do with them here! Watch SCARY Cartoons, Eat the ICE CREAM we have at home!I am gonna be bored, UNTIL they leave. ANYWAYS, I NEED TO SLEEP! BYE!! 🤞!

Dear Diary,

I am taking cursive classes! I think I’m pretty good! Just some letters need help……. ❤️

Dear Diary,

I’m going back to my normal handwriting! ❤️! But This Is A Cool HANDWRITING! I have no more space in my book! So mom is getting me a new one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

