Trump was not right about Hydroxychloroquine!

Benilda Key
1 min readJul 1, 2020


Speech bubble containing the word “blah.”

Before you believe bold headlines such as the following, you need to consider the source.

The Media Sabotage of Hydroxychloroquine Use for COVID-19: Doctors Worldwide Protest the Disaster.

Media and Big Pharma are in lockstep to suppress a cheap, life-saving Covid-19 therapy in order to reap pandemic-sized profits

This drivel was published on which is “a Canadian conspiracy website” that was founded by Michel Chossudovsky who is currently the President of GlobalResearch and professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa.

For more see Media Bias/Fact Check — Global Research and Centre for Research on Globalization.



Benilda Key

Software Engineer, Activist, Trans woman, and Aspiring Author. She/her. Chaotic Good. Gray Jedi.