Let’s Build A SaaS Application From Scratch Part 1 — Introduction

Bertrand Son Kintanar
1 min readMay 25, 2018


Work in progress. Pages may be modified every now and then.

Parts 1 | 2 | 3


I will be creating a SaaS application for a local church and I will be documenting as much information as I can along the way in order for me to have a guide for future use and hopefully help others who are experiencing or building similar application.

I will be using the Laravel PHP Framework and will also be leveraging the hyn/multi-tenant package for the SaaS solution. I will be documenting my progress as I code the application, so there might be better ways out there in solving a particular problem than what’s being documented here, you are free to comment or suggest it in the comment section.

Problem and Application Scope

Our local church is a member of a nationwide organization and this said organization has different levels of requirements that all churches from different places need to comply. I would like to create an application that would help each local church in attaining this, and at the same time help the national organization in monitoring the churches that they govern.

Continued on Part 2.

