Ambulance Stuck in traffic, Scary Right?

Shashi Bhushan
4 min readNov 12, 2019

I just can’t remember a day when I didn’t saw an ambulance struggling its way through our not so sensible traffic, I would rather say “Modern Traffic”, which has to be fast but far from being pragmatic.

We just forget the fact that any single moment, it’s so inevitable that the places can be switched between the person inside the ambulance and YOU .. you in your classy Beemer thinking the ambulance will any how get its way. If you were in that ambulance then in that situation, you would definitely don’t want the person in the Beemer to be busy listening his favorite Metallica song as loud as he please , just to ignore any outside noise unaware of the fact that outside unpleasant noise could also constitute a very familiar noise of what they call it an emergency siren, but I call it, a song of life or death. And for that song to become a song of life or death you are as responsible as the driver driving the ambulance, doctors who are going to treat the person or the nurses going to give all possible first aids. So start taking responsibility, if you want someone else also to take that responsibility when the same song is playing for you.

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

