Adding Value To Others


Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV)

Believe it or not, you are very valuable. It’s time for you to start knowing your worth. We were created by God and in the image and likeness of God. You have value. You are a valuable person. As leaders we are called to add value to others. What does it mean to add value to others? It means to be intentional about serving others. It’s all about leaving others better than they were when you found them. It’s about enriching and enhancing the quality of life for others. We are here to be of service to others. God has called us to serve others. It’s not about how others can serve you but how you can serve someone else. What are some ways that we can add value to others?

*These points come from John C. Maxwell’s (Leadership Expert) book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership- The Law of Addition (with me providing the commentary).

How To Add Value To Others…

  1. Truly VALUE others
  2. Make yourself more VALUABLE to others
  3. Know and relate to what others VALUE
  4. Do the things that God VALUES

If we want to add value to others we must first value others. If you don’t value people you can’t add value to them. Do you truly care about others and view them as important? Leaders recognize the true value in people. Second, we need to make ourselves more valuable to others. You must be a person of value if you expect to add value to a person. What do you have to give others? God has given you something to give so use it to help others. Then we need to know and relate to what others value. How do we do this? Maxwell advises that leaders must listen, learn and then lead. We need to listen to others, learn more about them and lead from there. Last, but most importantly we need to value what God values. Do the value the things that God Himself values? We need to possess God’s heart. God wants us to respect one another, be compassionate, bear each other’s burdens and be a blessing to one another. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our world today. His light is to shine in all that we do. Value what God values and DO IT!

If we expect to add value to others we need to implement these wonderful, life-changing tips. Albert Einstein once said “Do not try to become a person of success but try to become a person of value.” Be a person that adds VALUE to others! At your job be the MVP: Most VALUABLE Player. The most valuable person is the one who adds value to the team and organization (making a positive difference). I seen a quote by Albert Pike yesterday that said “What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us; what we have done for others and the world, remains and is immortal.What we do for others in Jesus’ name is what last and what counts. We add value to others by serving others. God has called you to serve! Think of some ways that you can add value to someone today and go do it! But when you do it make sure your motives are right! Let’s be like Jesus and let’s start Adding Value To Others.

