LEADERSHIP 101 with Kyler Briscoe
4 min readJun 24, 2019


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

A while back IBM did a study where they asked CEOs what leadership skill they felt everyone needed to possess, they all said CREATIVITY. What is Creativity? Creativity is the use of the imagination. Like the old saying, creativity is intelligence having fun. There’s a difference between creativity and innovation. Creativity is thinking of new things. Innovation is doing new things. We can’t have innovation without creativity and creativity without innovation is pointless. Creativity is the single most important leadership skill in the world. Leaders need to be creative. Leaders must be creative in order to solve problems, think in new ways, be innovative, develop others and aim towards creating a brighter future. Many of us unfortunately don’t see ourselves as creative. We think that only certain people are creative. We’ve given into the myth of many being “left brained (analytical/logical) and only a select few being right brained (creative).” Some of us wouldn’t dare consider ourselves to be creative geniuses. The truth is that everyone of us are creative in our own way and our creativity is a skill that must be developed. God is the Ultimate Creator. We are God’s creation. He created us from nothing (dust) and turned us in something (humans). God specializes in taking raw materials and turning them into unexpected masterpieces. Since we are God’s creation and He created us in His image and likeness- it’s in our DNA to create. When you create, you’re doing like your Heavenly Father. As leaders we need to make creativity apart of the culture in our organizations. Create an environment for creativity and give your team the time and tools they need in order to create. Each of us should tap into our creativity. But how? Let’s talk about what kills and blocks our creativity. Then let’s talk about how to be more creative.

What Kills Your Creativity?


Fear kills our creativity. If you want to live a creative life you must lose your fear of being wrong. We can’t care about taking risks and trying things out. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you. Fear kills our creativity as well as a list of other negative emotions. Whenever you’re stressed, depressed, tired, too busy, pessimistic or in an environment of dullness you have a hard time being creative. These are what I call creativity blockages. If you take a step back, refrain and rest, you can revive your creativity. Now let’s learn some ways we can be more creative individual leaders.

How To Be Creative…


If you want to be creative, always remain curious. Let your mind roam and let your imagination run free. Imagine the possiblities. Start seeing potential in what others see as nothing. See things from a new and different perspective. Be a lateral thinker. Look for a problem to solve and different ways to solve it. Creativity says there is more than one way to solve a problem, more than one answer to a question. Be unique! Be different! Be original! Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. Change something! Start asking questions like “WHY NOT? & WHAT COULD THIS BE?” Picasso once said, “Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not?” Curiosity is the fuel for creativity.


Hang out with creative people. Get around people who think outside of the box. Creativity is contiguous. I recommend having brainstorming sessions. When ideas get to flowing, it’s a beautiful thing to witness. There’s power in multiple minds thinking. Listen to/embrace all ideas and let the best idea win. If we want to be creative, we need to collaborate with other creatives. Let them influence you, come up with ideas together and get feedback from them.


Creativity requires the courage to experiment with ideas. Don’t be afraid to step out and give your ideas a try. You never know if it’ll be successful unless you try. Try it out and see where it takes you. Experiment. Have fun. It’s okay to be wrong. Take a risk. See where it leads.


When we are curious, work with others and try out our ideas- we develop our creativity overtime. I like to think of myself as a creative person. Each week I have to create new fresh content for both of my blogs at the beginning and end of the week. The challenge is saying something relevant, different, needed, on time and straight from God to His people. My secret weapon for creativity is prayer. I talk to the Ultimate Creator (GOD) and He helps me create. I also pay attention to a lot that goes on in our world and to the individuals around me. I listen and draw inspiration/insight from circumstances. Those are some ways I create. Being creative and making a positive difference is a great thing we can contribute to this world. You are creative whether you believe it or not. It’s in you! But each of us must work on developing our CREATIVITY!

