Poor Management

LEADERSHIP 101 with Kyler Briscoe
4 min readFeb 24, 2020


Remove impurities from the silver and the silversmith can craft a fine chalice; Remove the wicked from leadership and authority will be credible and God-honoring.” Proverbs 25:4–5 (MSG)

According to research the #1 reason why people leave their jobs is because of poor management. The saying “people leave managers not companies” is very true. Everything rises and falls on leadership. Leadership affects every part of the organization. Many companies are ran by poor managers and many employees are being led by poor management. You’d be surprised how many people hate their bosses. The pay can be good, the status can be good but if the management isn’t- people will leave. What is poor management? Poor management is whenever a manager causes more damage to the organization and the members within- instead of leading them into success, productivity and joy. What are the signs of poor management? How can we recognize poor management, what are the effects of poor management and how can we address it?

Signs of Poor Management…

  1. Failing to Address Issues

A sign of a poor manager is when they overlook problems in the organization especially with individuals. When you fail to confront the issue or when you address everyone (instead of the individual who is causing the issue)- that’s poor management. For example you should never address tardiness with an employee who is always on-time. Privately and lovingly address the individual causing the issues.

2. Micromanagement

What does it mean to micromanage? To micromanage is to control every part of something. Control freaks are usually micromanagers. Your team doesn’t need constant supervision. When you micromanage you show your team that you don’t trust them, you don’t give them freedom/ownership over their work and it takes away from you doing YOUR work. So STOP MICROMANAGING!

3. Lack of Respect, Feedback and Appreciation

When managers don’t respect their employees, give them credit for their work or show them appreciation- you will push them out of the organization. People will not tolerate disrespect of any kind and people want to feel appreciated as well as recognized for their contributions (big and small).

4. Visionless

When a manager has no plan for the organization or doesn’t offer any personal growth opportunities or development for the people- they will leave. No one will follow a leader that’s not going anywhere. People will leave where they feel stagnant and if they don’t see personal or professional advancement.

5. Bad Communication and Decision Making

When you don’t know how to effectively communicate with your team and when you make poor decisions that negatively affects everyone, you will lose loyalty and support. When you aren’t honest and when you don’t operate in integrity- people will leave.

6. Stubbornness

Being prideful, egotistical and having an unwillingness to listen to feedback or ideas from others is a sign of poor management. Stop being a know it all and operate in humility.

7. Unbalanced Emotions

If a manager has a sour attitude and doesn’t know how to control their temper, that’s poor management. Managers shouldn’t use fear tactics or bully to get their employees to perform and managers shouldn’t take their anger out on their team. Lead with grace and keep your emotions in check.

These are 7 things I believe are signs of poor management. Comment below if you have any other signs you think should be mentioned. What are the results of poor management?

The Results…

  1. High Employee Turnover
  2. Negatively Effects The Employees’ Mental and Physical Health
  3. Low Morale and Low Productivity
  4. Toxic Work Culture Environment
  5. Makes The Leader and Company Look Bad Altogether

What is the solution? Managers must take accountability for their poor behavior and become more people-focused instead of focused on themselves. Until they actually possess a heart that cares for their people, their behavior won’t change. We must see our team as valuable. View your employees as assets. Change your perspective. You need your team so you better treat them right. Without them you have nothing or no one to help you. Don’t burn the bridges God has helped you built.

If you’re having problems with your manager- pray for their change of heart, ask God to help you change your attitude and to be able to endure, possibly talk to your boss or go to HR, if none works maybe find another place of employment. These are all suggestions you should consider trying.

I hope you understand how important management is. It affects the organization and the people working in it. It’s time to address and get rid of POOR MANAGEMENT.

